Anil Kumar Rai
Operations | Business Development | P&L| Manufacturing Growth | R&R | Circular Economy | Strategy | HBS | XLRI | Ex-JABIL | Ex-CTDI | Ex-Vantiva | Author | Motivational Speaker
We have been continuously learning and getting trained by our parents, teachers, educators to study, earn, and get married to get settled in Life. The quicker it is the better it is. Settled situation of course offers us many benefits as we get busy with our work, family, children and other responsibilities in a fixed routine. However this settled situation keeps us away from seeing our complete growth. We routinely get busy with our futuristic requirements in a virtual world. This facilitates a monotonous & mechanical life and narrow focus on our surroundings.
Unsettled situation is generally an un-welcome act/ situation as it disturbs your synch with routine, it brings up new challenges, it puts a break in to smooth running life. It shakes you and forces you to come back to present moment. It breaks the monotony of life. You start experiencing your immediate surroundings consciously. This unsettled environment makes you aware of your present resources, skills and shows gaps in the goal and capability. Thus you prepare well to conquer and ultimately settle.
Are you unsettled now/again? Just pause & take a re-look at your past, you were actually in unsettled situation where you developed your skills and added resources while trying to grow & settle down. Unsettled situation brings you many advantages –
- You start Living in the moment that helps you re-discover yourself.
- You realise whether you have the right skills for re-deploying yourself or see some Skill Gaps. You start work to add new skills for the present environment.
- Your pseudo friend network shrinks and you recognize that one/few real friends remain.
- Unsettled situation does require a support from the near & dear ones. This is the time you find who are the Real well wishers in Your family & Relations.
- You have been so busy with your earlier engagements that you didn’t notice New Developments around you. Now is the time to look at them
- This is the time that brings in focus you Your real worth at the present moment.
When you are busy with that one thing everything else gets under the cloud and you can’t see them. Those under cloud could have made you bigger and better. Nevertheless when you are unsettled that cloud starts to disappear and you start seeing multiple options surrounding you. It’s the time you start taking a pick one by one and give it a best shot. Success... woohoo, if you didn’t succeed in that one it’s time to pick another one. You will see that there are much better things out there than those which you pursued in the past surrounded yourself in that virtual cloud.
Unsettled situations also show you that there is need for everyone to have 2-3 skills rather than being expert with just one. In this dynamic and fast paced world you can become redundant overnight through a new invention. So mind it to have relevant skills. You have to be open and learning mode all the time. Yes, you can choose your pace of learning. Being adaptable is the key skill required.
Relax, take a deep breath now and start working on them. You have done in the past and can do it again. All it needs is a belief that “I Can Do it”. Professional help is highly recommended for re-grouping your energy and finding that right path/ passion for yourself. Keep in touch. ENJOY the WoW Life.
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