The Power of Style Guides
Before starting with a translation or editing, I always ask the customer if they have a style guide or any kind of guideline that they would like me to adhere to. Very often, the answer is “No” or “There might be something we have used in the past. Let me have look.” Usually, this means that the style guide that has been sitting there was not frequently and consistently used. However, to ensure consistent, high-quality communication, style guides are essential.
What exactely is a style guide?
Style guides are reference documents that establish specific guidelines and rules for writing style. They are living documents that need to be adapted from time to time (and thus, should not sit somewhere on the shelf without being looked at). They are invaluable tools for ensuring consistency and professionalism in various forms of written communication, be it business emails, presentations, blog posts, or any other content.
Do I need a style guide?
The short answer is: yes! Just image employees in various divisions starting to publish their documents without streamlining tone, wording (especially when using their own translations), or punctuation (just have look at the million different ways to refer to different genders in German). It‘s just tedious to correct everything after the fact and nobody wants to do it. So why not start off right from the start?
Just let me give you a few examples:
By recognizing the importance of style guides and integrating them into our communication processes, we can ensure consistent and professional language communication. They can help improve your written expression and promote a professional appearance both externally and internally. That‘s why I am a strong supporter of style guides at an early stage.