The power of stupid

I recently posted about a day of absolute happiness, when I bought nine books. 'BookBooks' that is, with actual pages that you can turn with a finger. Thanks to everyone for the recommendations on where to start, and I chose "The Psychology of Stupidity" by Jean-Francois Marmion.

I have always been intrigued by stupidity, mostly my own, so perhaps this book would give me an answer, a framework on how to deal with it or simply make me feel better about myself. It did not disappoint. A simply delightful book, based on very short articles (each no longer than 10 pages) and interviews with people that society defines as 'smart' and who probably are smart.

Most business books I have read or listened to over the past few years follow a similar simple pattern: one core thought or hypothesis, a handful (five or ten) 'pillars' that support that thought, 200 pages of observations or case studies that stretch it into a publishable size, a 'this-is-how-you-can-do-the-same' DIY approach for the reader, a 'follow me for more' summary and you've just wasted five hours of listening/two days of reading to be no wiser than before.

Not this book. It has no particular hypothesis, but a whole lot of different views - and I now have a much greater awareness for stupidity, in my own and in others.

So, what did I learn? I learned about Immunity Bias, Impunity Bias and Optimism Bias

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I learned about the importance of critical thinking to overcome bias.

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I learned about Group Ideal, and while it would be too easy to jump into North American politics of the last four years as an example, Group Ideal challenges are really everywhere, at work or in your friendship circle.

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I learned about Narcissistic Stupidity in the working world and how to recognise a true asshole.

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After this book, I am ready to face the world of "backward, slow, ignorant, useless, foolish, lug-headed, imbecilic, stupid, witless, cracked, silly, moronic and dippy". My bullshit detector is fine-tuned again and my cynicism bucket replenished. Bring it on, people!

Alex Maldonado

Practice Manager Functional Consultants @ Auckland Council

3 年

Migration is not for the faint-hearted indeed. I liked your article..short and timid I would say...keep sharing. It made me smile the part you now know how to recognize an asshole??

Jan Op Gen Oorth

Spokesman and Head of Corporate Communications at Europol, Senior Advisor to the Executive Director.

3 年

I have to many unread books already to comit to this one, but here are my thoughts; I have no issues with authentic stupidity in connection with heart warming humbleness, my issue is stupidity that comes along with arrogance and entitlement and the talent to mix-up personal opinions with facts. But I try to see them as negative-buddhas that can teach me patience and kindness. Happy to see you writing again and looking forward to read more from you in New Zealand.

Tony Scarborough

People, Process, Data. Improving organisations one project at a time. Open to short term gigs. Global mobility.

3 年

Awesome !


Sales Expert at SNDBX | The Village Experts I Supporting Growth of SMEs

3 年

Interesting findings and schools of thought on stupidity

Jenny Gunn

Senior OD Advisor at Auckland Council

3 年

Now that’s just making me want to read many’s too many to have on the go? ??♀?


