Dr. LemueL King MBA/MS/IT(LTU)/BBA(UL)/Certif ICT/IT WFP.
The availability of power can create an opportunity for the struggle of power. When power is made available to many people , they will fight for it . Reason is, the multitude of people, who are hungry for power, are more than the sand on the floor of the sea. But power is not food for birds; or a bit for fishes because the struggle for power can bring shame to any leadership.
Power Struggle/ is an attribute of War within leadership. Power struggle is the major cause, of leadership conflicts in the world today. There are many people in the world who want power. The question why are so many people in needed of power? Reason, power is a tool used for controlling other and human love to control others; so they struggle for power.
The leadership benefit of power struggle.
People have fine it an easy way to obtain power is the fight. This had made the career area of power a hot cake. Because people are able to get into power without leadership education they fine it easy to fight for it. Thu, it make the file of leadership a negative work place people do benefit from it.
Power struggle bring in leadership conflict.
When there is no control of power, it can leader into a wild filed of conflict in leadership. the number of conflict cause in the world today, are base on the struggle for power. There are countless stories of power struggle all over the world. These problems of leadership conflict all over the world; are causing more problem into leadership. It suffer those who are powerless. And empower those who are able to fight for it.
What cause power struggle?
Power limitations.
Power is limited, and is also never enough for power ambitious leader. Those who love power will always believe they need more power. This is commonly seen in leadership where one leader have power but is still requesting for more power. Another leader will also have power or have enjoy power and still need more power. Power ambitious leader will fight for power, what every it cause them they will do at the lost of society. They refuse to share power thus, they have power.
Power sharing.
the sharing of power had become a difficult problem for people in leadership. Many people in leadership, refuse to share power. They also prevent others to have power. Power sharing had become a negative thing to many leader of individual in the world. Thu,, there are different setup to manage the sharing of power, not one have proven to be successful to share power without problem. There are people still fighting for power all over the world.
Most of there conflict in the world are the result of people struggle for power. It had become a culture, all over the world, that people used the struggle for power as a way of getting into leadership.
Both in the locally areas and professionally people had proven to be unethical in the used of power. There are also the struggle for power. It is used a major factors of conflict in leadership.
The effect of power struggle
Power struggle, will always cause a major problem in leadership, if leaders are not willing to manage the issues of that create, the struggle of power in leadership. In order to deal with the struggle for power in leadership, there must be preventive measure or rule and laws set up to prevent people who are desiring more power leadership to limit such ambitious for power. Reason, is too must struggle for power can bring in conflicts. Leader should follow the true path to leadership, rather than using power struggle.
Leadership education, had been one of the major tool, of preparing people for leadership. However, many at will leader force their way into leadership, by taking a shorter path to leader. As the term go short, mean incomplete. People who follower the shorter path to leadership, are more likely to have little knowledge of leadership, so they fight for power.
These people can be any where and in any areas of leadership. What they forget, is power struggle can harm or hurt other. However, they careless about the number of people used hurt or harm why struggling for power.
Prevention Method measure.
This book was Written by: Dr. Lemuel B. King.
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