THE POWER OF SOUND can energize the body when tired or relax the body by soothing the nervous system when we are angry. It also has the amazing ability to lift our spirits in times of depression and grief.
When the internal and external aspects of our lives become at odds with each other we become dissonant which is a lack of harmony or inflexibility – as flexibility represents an easier and more harmonic pattern of life than rigidity.
Translated into its musical form Sound becomes the appreciation of its Universal power for it clearly helps us to become more harmonious and coherent – it is by these standards, therefore, a truly potent medium for healing.
Why are so many people using Tuning Forks?
- Provides instantaneous, deep state of relaxation
- Improves mental clarity and brain functioning
- Increases your level of physical energy and mental concentration
- Relieves stress by drawing your body into a centered space
- Develops and refines your sonic abilities
- Brings your nervous system into balance
- Integrates left and right brain thought patterns
Specially tuned to sacred proportions, you sit inside the space bringing two different sounds together making them one—and you feel unified, at peace, re-igniting the passion and power deep inside you. When you tap the tuning forks, you awaken the life energy of your cells and start them puffing, creating a centered, happy feeling inside.
The next Tuning Forks class is October 24th in Marina Del Rey
Details on my website. To book contact me: [email protected]