Power of solitude
One experiment that changed my life
A few years ago I isolated myself for 30 days.
I wanted to explore my inner demons by deep thinking, expose the current state of my personality and fix outstanding psychological issues. I also wanted to challenge an addiction to social attention I developed at that time.
As it turned out, solitude is quite powerful practice that can equally give and take from a person. Even after my experiment, I still hesitate to recommend solitude as a long-term solution, however, in short run it could magically turn things around. With so much useful information available online about the benefits of solitude, I feel drawn to share my personal practical experience.
Solitude can be dangerously powerful tool for anyone who searches for peace and looking to learn to rely on yourself. It feels necessary because, despite the growing popularity of social networks, and ease of connection with the world, there are crowded but lonely cities full of people who never built qualitative relationships with themselves.
The information presented here might feel generic as I only try to show what kind of thoughts one can discover by going through the process. It might feel irrelevant at times, so maybe use it as an anchor for future references.
Staying in isolation with your thoughts feels like The Dust Bowl of the 1930s — swipes cities in the deadly sandstorm. When your mind cannot keep you busy with distractions anymore, it will wander to places you can’t imagine. Your mind will begin reflecting on historical moments of personal and professional life while attempting to manifest a potential future that might never come to fruition.
Below are some important lessons that I “extracted” from my head, grouped to help you navigate the network of never-ending ideas.
1. Solitude & Dark side of personality
The first observation is that you can experience very honest self-reflection on the personality that you built.
Immediately I learned how much things have changed over the years, however, a lot of things remained “ugly” and left me shocked in disbelief. The opinion I had of myself no longer matched up with the true self I uncovered through solitude. My family, biased, obviously see me as a good person and successful individual, but what you will read will rightfully make you challenge that statement.
Below are the psychological challenges I have found during the experiment:
After reading the above one would prescribe a visit to a psychologist and I won’t blame you. Some of it I knew and got disappointed to learn that I still had not addressed it. Some of it was a huge discovery which credits the solitude to let me learn and improve it.
2. Solitude & Bright potential
Second observation is that you will learn a lot about all the opportunities that lie in front of you.
Most of it are long forgotten promises that will remind you who you wanted to be and rest is new potential — lurking you won’t be able to ignore it this time.
You will need a good?mission statement?to filter all the noise and have discipline to action with consistency. Some thoughts I captured are hard to process and will require switching to a growth mindset. Others just need a kick in the ass to remind who you are.
Below are thoughts that made me continue to dream big despite the dark side of my personality:
3. Solitude & Productivity changes
The third observation is that?change is inevitable.
There is no guarantee that life will only improve positively, but it will never stop moving in the direction you set — a north star. To me, it is a clear representation of the absolute need to stay courageous and take risks to fight with “your demons” eventually creating order from chaos.
Some of the learnings from the solitude experiment I have applied practically to personal and professional life. I managed to create extra time for things like travel, reading, resting and build up bravery to try new things. All of these aspects of my life help me succeed even more. Creating time through hard work as a concept is powerful however very misguided. Without going into much detail people start to take advantage of your time, claiming that you have nothing better to do and asking you to give up your priorities. Make sure to respect your own freedom as well as help people understand it.
Below are some of the productivity and life improvements that I discovered, and tested so you can implement them if you find it compelling without going into solitude:
4. Solitude & Unknown
The fourth observation is that so many things will remain unclear without an answer and there is absolutely no reason to stress or overthink it.
I certainly enjoyed the level of unknown that solitude created. I can identify those things and work them out in isolation later. Despite all the new crazy thoughts that might visit during the solitude you should stay open-minded and humble — it might be the first time you have a real conversation 1:1 with yourself. Maybe that bedtime when you keep checking latest facebook posts should be used instead to lay down in silence — opening freedom to thoughts.
Below is the list of questions that I found myself hard to answer:
5. Solitude & Readiness check
The fifth and last observation is that you can learn to deal with things that you were not able to deal with before.
The negative and positive flows of information probably overwhelm you at the beginning and it will take some time to adjust to it as something natural. You will be able to keep that knowledge and re-use it after the experiment.
Below are some ideas I recommend to validate before practicing solitude, whether long or short term:
Priceless benefits
Surely being more introverted helped me go through this experiment. Without much preparation I knew it would be doable and helpful as I spent most of my childhood alone. Solitude helped me to discover an extraverted side and become open to new experiences. Whether you are seeking to learn more about yourself, change your life or just improve the reality — practical solitude might be an answer.
Some of the key solitude benefits that I want to share, considering all thoughts mentioned before:
Imagine the new reality
There are few thoughts that I want to finish this article with. Before I do, without much thinking try to answer the following questions:
Unless you rolled your eyes in disappointment, there is a high chance it might take a while to get genuine answers. Even the first response is tricky as you might experience a weird reaction to the manifestation of social impact on your personality, which might not be truly you.
At the end of the day, we operate in the patterns and the world presents itself for us to judge and adopt. Questions like these really challenge our existence, hence are uncomfortable by default.
In order to become a hero it is crucial to take control over things that you probably never wanted or knew about before. Outer world will keep influencing you and stretch in all directions possible, so the task at hand is to discover a potential you can live up to and go into battles to the darkest places of your mind to find all the answers.
Good luck on your journey for?excellence.