The Power of Social Influence: Manipulation, Persuasion, and Psychological Tactics

The Power of Social Influence: Manipulation, Persuasion, and Psychological Tactics

Our social lives are, as human beings, among the most important things for us. In fact, alongside water, food, shelter, our need to belong, and socializing is considered one of our needs.

We know that the bystander effect is basically a field of psychology that gets its origins from a part of normal psychology: in particular, it arises because of a process called social responsibility diffusion. Even if you have not seen anything tragic happening around a large group of people, sometime in your life, you have certainly seen the diffusion of social responsibility before. When they are part of a team or band, most individuals see this psychological effect in action.

From a broad research base, we know that humans are self-centered and narcissistic. However, it is real that all of us think of our own needs instinctively before anyone else's. Getting over this obstacle of narcissism takes a lot of preparation and schooling.

Narcissists - there is an exaggerated sense of self-worth in people who are genuinely narcissistic (meeting psychiatric diagnosis). To confirm their presumption of being superior, they need others. They have fantasies of being adored and worshiped. They use techniques of dark psychology, coercion, and unethical persuasion to keep up.

Sociopaths - People who are genuinely sociopathic are also charming, articulate, yet impulsive (meeting psychiatric diagnosis). They use dark tactics to create a shallow relationship and then take advantage of people because of a lack of emotionality and the ability to feel guilt.

Attorneys - some lawyers concentrate on winning their case so carefully that they turn to use dark manipulation techniques to get the result they seek.

Politicians - to persuade people they are right and to get votes, some politicians use dark psychological strategies and dark persuasion tactics.

Sales People - many salespeople are so focused on making a profit that they use dark strategies to convince others to purchase their product and persuade them.

Public Speakers - some speakers use dark strategies to raise the audience's emotional state, understanding that it leads to the back of the room selling more goods.

Selfish People - this can be someone who, before others, has an agenda for himself. First, even at someone else's expense, they can use strategies to satisfy their own needs. They don't mind winning- losing results.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NP is a group of methods for use in communication, self-improvement, and behavior change popularized by the New Age and self-help movements. NIP ostensibly has two goals. You can use it to train the mind to conquer bad habits, to become more productive, and so on. If you find them useful, there is no ethical problem with using NIP techniques on your own.

The media has traditionally proved to be highly influential in influencing public opinion. Social movements, justified wars, tempered financial crises, spurred on some other ideological currents, and provided the media's phenomenon as creators of truth within the collective consciousness were produced or destroyed thanks to media paraphernalia and propaganda.

In order to gain public support at that time, another way to embrace an unpopular decision is to portray it as "painful and necessary."

Most advertisements geared at the general public use dialogue, arguments, characters with particularly childish intonation, frequently targeting frailty, as if the audience were a creature of very young age or mentally disabled. The more you try to trick the listener, the more the adopted sound becomes childish.

Make the person believe that he/she is the perpetrator of their own misfortune and make them question their intellect, expertise, or efforts. Thus, instead of rebelling against the economic system, the person devalues and blames himself, which creates a depressed state, the object of which is to suppress action, and there is no revolution without action.

If you see the world as a causal network where an endless variety of causes and effects are linked together on the most different planes, institutions with enormous resources generate fabulous social intervention-knowledge through comprehensive documentation and statistical analysis (big data and data mining), not radical academic theories.

Self- hypnosis, like hypnosis, is an instrument of consciousness and self-discovery. It is a medium by which anyone can reach the subconscious mind. Intentionally, you do so with the intent to shift the existing pattern of thinking maintained by the subconscious. You are beginning to lay the foundations for progress by doing so.

The influence of stage subjects complying with commands attributable, not so much to hypnosis, but to a phenomenon called group or crowd anticipation, is a major factor seldom exposed. Psychologists know that when a person is in a crowd or large group of people, it is much easier to anticipate, control, and evaluate the actions of an individual. There is an influential force called stage conformity that significantly strengthens the apparent supernatural abilities of the stage hypnotist.

Source : Dark Psychology Secrets & Manipulation by Amy Brown

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