The power of small things
I think that we live in a society that teaches us to be superficial. There are many things that shape the way we think (the way we were raised, the way we learned in school, the way we think about the word ''purpose'' etc.).
I will share with you a post that belongs to Gary Vaynerchuk. I have seen this post today 1st January 2022.
Gary said: ''In the business world, too many people think it’s all about being hard, tough, ambitious, or having grit.
Yes, these things are important, but trust me — that’s not where we’re lacking as a collective.
We have the “hard things” down. I think it’s actually the “soft things” that are harder to master, and I think kindness is a real foundation to why soft skills are so important in life and business.
What people misunderstand about kindness is that a lot of it comes down to fear.
People are scared that they’re gonna fail, that they’re gonna be taken advantage of, etc. So, instead of being kind, they throw their defenses up.
Trust me, being kind isn’t a sign of weakness.
The truth is, kindness is a strength that is greatly underrated.''
I was thinking today at this next thing.
Many of us think that it would be very hard for us to have our own house/apartment. Especially in big cities (e.g. London, New York, Paris, etc.). We all know that prices are very high in these cities.
We always hear that the market makes the prices. This ''market'' is not a person. The prices are made by the landlords (they are the ''market'').
We live in a society that teaches us to be selfish and divided.
Think about how prices were in 1990 and how prices are now in 2022.
How about if we would try to make a change? I think we know what will happen if we will continue to be selfish and divided.
Let's think about this next thing.
If 2 million tenants would donate 10 GBP (or USD or Euro) each month, we would raise 20 million GBP (or USD or Euro) and we could buy 40 properties each month (or more depending on the price of each property) and we could offer the chance for tenants to pay less money each month (as rent) and in this way, we can drop the prices of the ''market''.
Let's say that we would buy 4 bedroom houses and people would pay 400 per double room.
40 properties * 400 GBP * 4 rooms = 64000 GBP per month as income that can be used for other great things (opening businesses in order to make a difference in our society, helping vulnerable people etc.)
The population of London as of 2021 is around 8,9 million people. The majority of these people are tenants.
The population of New York is around 8,82 million people.
The more people would donate the better of course.
Every day we are paying at least 1 GBP (or USD or Euro) for coffee or tea.
1 GBP * 20 days at least = 20 GBP spent per month only for coffee or tea.
How about if we would spend 10 GBP (or USD or Euro) per month on things that would have an amazing impact in our society?
We can discuss more of course.
My mobile: +44 7424 249 400.
My email: [email protected]
If we will not think about these things, who will?
When we will be 80 or 90 years old (if we will reach that age) we will regret the fact that we did not raise money for this idea or any other idea when we were younger but then it will be too late.
I reckon we should be in touch more with elderly people in order to understand that regrets are one of the worst things that could happen to us.
Thank you for reading this article.
Pricing Manager at Nokia
3 年I think that text is an example of Chinese philosophy according to which social order can only be achieved through rigorous education, following tradition and obedience.