The Power of Slack, Tech Meets Healthcare, and Boring News
Hello folks,?
Welcome to Last Week I Learned.?As always, let me know which articles stick out! If you found any media (books, TV shows, etc) of your own, please send them my way.?
And when the mainstream media highlights the stories of blue-collar workers, it’s often through a positive lens — the hardworking delivery worker making over 1 million yuan in three months and runs on three hours of sleep every day, and the livestreaming farmers using social platforms to turn their family businesses around. Their struggles rarely pierce the information bubble. On rare occasions when they do so through social media platforms, they get taken down without any reason.
At some point when I was a little kid, my dad told me he had never once removed his ring since my mom put it on his finger at their wedding, the year before I was born. My mom, I knew, took hers on and off all the time. In fact she often wore other rings in place of her actual wedding band, because she found them more comfortable, and she placed little sentimental value on the ring from her actual ceremony. I asked my dad that day about his, and he told me he simply had never taken it off. I found that to be amazing. From my childhood perspective, he’d worn that ring nonstop for a lifetime.
So she moved the party over to a nearby horse farm, and invited the public to join the fun. Meghan began hosting community events, charging people $10 to give their dogs a chance to play on her machine.Her events soon outgrew the horse farm. The space wasn’t large enough to contain the swathes of people and pets that her little invention attracted.Holy shit. Meghan had accidentally created a business.
Happy 249th B-Day to the US Navy, which started with a 13 October 1775 resolution for “a swift sailing vessel, to carry ten carriage guns, and a proportionable number of swivels, with eighty men, be fitted, with all possible despatch, for a cruise of three months….” After the War of Independence, the new Constitution empowered Congress “to provide and maintain a navy,” which they finally did in 1798.
Slack prevents desperation. You can avoid bad trades and wait for better spots. You can be efficient.
Deep Dive
Microsoft filed a patent application for a “context-aware” backpack, equipped with sensors and a microphone, which can tell you things about your surroundings;
McKinsey’s history with hospital systems from the Bronx to California is littered with the same sort of stuff: Lay off workers, wrench more money out of the hands of patients who can’t afford it, close community-based facilities and make patients range farther for care, and ultimately, merge smaller systems into larger health care behemoths of the sort that UPMC has become.
Product of the Week
Cause of the Week