The power of skills development
klip Global
klip Global is a workforce wellbeing and development service. Providing personalised, holistic, science-backed plans.
Member Spotlight
Silpa is a Doctor and a klip Global member.
We recently caught up with Silpa who's been a member of kilp Global since the beginning of this year.
What is the single biggest thing you learned so far?
The importance of prioritising self-compassion and reflection.
Brief description of how you are finding klip services, Masterclass coaching and Mindfulness sessions.
I've found masterclass coaching sessions really focused and bite-sized - with a lot of information condensed into the session. It's easy to become goal/ tick box orientated to quickly get jobs done/try to adopt new habits but without enough self-reflection - it's easy to fall back to old habits. I've found it helpful that there is a strong focus on self-reflection in recognising our behaviour/thought patterns and how they affect us. The coaching techniques help you to structure/plan areas you want to address so that you can go home and work through the list. The topics are broad covering a range of "life" topics from finances to workplace issues so all relevant. As someone who wants to do more mindfulness, but doesn't - the sessions are great as they're LIVE and you register for it so it forces you to make the time in your schedule to attend it - because otherwise I just wouldn't bother. Until I get into the habit of incorporating mindfulness into my week, these live sessions are good to ensure I do it.
There is a ton of helpful videos on lots of topics with worksheets on the website.
Behind the scenes
klip Global's founder Dr Sri was recently invited to celebrate Adrian James' Presidency of The Royal College of Psychiatrists.
We hope you've all been enjoying the beautiful sunshine!
According to the Mayo Clinic, decreased sun exposure has been associated with a drop in serotonin which can lead to SAD. You’re more likely to experience SAD in the winter when the days are shorter and the nights are longer.
Exposure to sunlight can also benefit those suffering from nonseasonal depression, according to Long Tao et al., Psychiatry Research, Volume 291, September 2020.
Adding a little sunshine to your life by getting outside more can relieve and reduce depression.
Join us?on Wednesday 5th July between 1900 - 1945, A masterclass on?'How to become more assertive?in 15 minutes with Dr Adam Harrison.
Everyone wants to be more confident, but not everyone knows how to be assertive. Assertive falls right between passive and aggressive. If you’re passive about voicing your opinion, you may come across as submissive. And if you are aggressive with your viewpoint, you may come across as a hostile or, even worse, a bully.
But if you learn to be assertive, you can express yourself without being passive or aggressive, and you will have a better chance of getting what you want.
In this session Dr Adam, will give you runs through simple ways to help yourself become more assertive.
Sign up below:
As we come towards the end of June, we'd like to thank you for your ongoing support and for joining our Masterclass and Mindfulness sessions. Please do reach out to us on [email protected] as we'd love to hear your recommendations on which other topics around workforce wellbeing will be beneficial to you and your team.?
?All best wishes
klip Global team?