The Power of A Single Instrument
The Power Of A Single Instrument
As I talked about earlier, I see no difference between an artist and a small business owner. As a result, I look to art (especially writing and music) for my inspiration. Sure, we all engage with and get cool ideas from our professional sites but art is what fuels the passion.
My Classical iTunes playlist was on shuffle this morning and came across Bach’ Unaccompanied Cello Suite in G. And it brought me to tears – no joke. I was sitting by a fire reading the aforementioned “professional” sites and as the first notes poured into my ears I was stunned by its beauty. I went back to break it down by instrument…and realized the first 2 minutes is nothing more than a single cello.
Small business is just like this. We get so hung up with talk of bandwidth, scale, efficiency, productivity, optimization that we forget to just start doing things. How many times do people say “I need to get to X before I can make a difference”?
Guess what? You don’t. Start doing what you love to do right now. Be that single cello that brings tears of joy to people’s eyes. Everything else will take care of itself.
I would love to work with you to be that instrument and uncover that artistry. Please reach out to me at [email protected] if you would like to talk.
Link to my blog:
To hear what I am talking about listen to Yo Yo Ma’s version: