Power Shift
I wish I could put into words the impact showing up has had on my life.
There have been countless times when I thought about “not going,” only to force myself into an uncomfortable situation and come out the other side transformed.
I just got back from an eXp event in Cabo, and I was blown away! I’ll be honest—it was a stretch to get there. I had no idea who I was going to meet or what I was going to gain from the experience, but I made a choice to show up, and I am so glad I did!
Nothing could have prepared me for the personal and professional transformation, the power of the speakers, and the opportunities created through the connections I made with professionals from all around the world.
I will never be the same again. And it all happened because I made a choice:
A choice to show up.
No, it wasn’t easy to get there… Yes, it was a financial challenge… Yes, I had clients who needed help… Yes, it took a lot of energy to stay engaged, even when I just wanted to relax by the pool… Yes, it was hard to keep all the balls in the air while I was gone… Yes, I was exhausted when I came back…
But it was beyond worth it!
It takes a lot of work and sacrifice to show up and stay present at events like this, but in the end, it’s our choice to show up or not that makes all the difference.
I came to eXp a few years ago with a simple desire: to grow a team, give back, and practice my coaching skills. While I’ve begun that process, I have also found family here. I know that sounds dramatic, but the level of support, love, and “pouring in” I receive here is nothing short of life-changing.
I don’t feel alone in my business anymore!
After being at eXp for almost three years, I now understand what’s possible when we immerse ourselves in a community of people who genuinely want to help one another succeed.
“When you win, I win” should be the motto of eXp.
Yes, I’m definitely biased, but it’s for a reason. I am beyond grateful for the people I get to work with every day.
Today’s email is just my way of expressing that. At the same time, if you’re looking for the same kind of environment to grow in, let’s chat!
Life is too short, and work is too hard to do it alone.
Here’s to your journey in our world, everyone! Let’s kick some butt together.