The Power Of Sex Transmutation (Must Read)
Chukwuebuka Abazie
Entrepreneur & Research Expert | Author & Life Coach | Transformative Leadership Strategist | Product Designer
The meaning of the word transmutation in simple language is the changing or transferring of one element or form of energy into another.
The level of ignorance when it comes to sex has really prompted a subject of this state of mind and this is generally associated with the physical. Based on my perspective, most people have been subjected in acquiring knowledge of sex. Essentially and physically this have highly biased the mind.
1. The Preparation Of Mankind.
2. The Maintainance Of Health, As A Therapeutic Agency, It Has No Equal.
3. The Transformation Of Mediocrity Into Genius Through Transmutation.
I will explain these things based on my life experiences, my ideologies and how I managed to overcome SEX addiction as a young man.
From my theological standpoint, sex transmutation means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression to thoughts of some other nature. Sex desire in my generation today is the most powerful of all desires. When driven by desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence & creative abilities. Unknown to them at other times. The desire of sexual expression today is inborn and natural but it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind & spirit of man.
I'd always tell my fellow youths that fortunate is indeed a person who has discovered how to give sex emotion an outlet through some form of creative power & efforts. For he has by that means discovered and lifted himself to the status of a genius. The men of highly achieved success are men with developed sex nature, men who have mastered the art of sex transmutation. These are men that are NOT motivated by the status of a woman. Understanding this things that I am saying will lift you to the status of a genius.
I am a young man who craves to be successful at a very tender age. I am just 25 and yet I have been spiritually gifted with wisdom far beyond my age. Why? Because I prayed, desired and maintained God laws to strategically follow the principles of life. One more thing before I let you go, let me rephrase, your SEXUAL ENERGY is your creative power and ability. These energies you give out can be stored inside to make the most out of your life and walk your destiny path with so much passion and creativity. Understand the power of SEMEN. Semen is so powerful that it creates a life, it's your life force and when you waste it in such manner you become drained out?and there will be no more energy for you to create the things you want to create.
Its impossible to excersise your creative energy when your sexual energy is low.
I pray that this message reaches the right audience and also be a source of inspiration for anyone who needs to make the right changes in their lives.
I'd see you in the next post.
Sending you love and light,
Your Friendly Friend,
Bazzy Francis