Ibrahim Bashiru Onakpa
Product Manager | Tech Entrepreneur| Author| Business Developer |Internal Auditor |Content Creator |Millennium Alumni
By Comr. Ibrahim Bashir Onakpa
Glad is the one who obtains all (s)he desires and cherished, sad is the one who fought hard to live and still perished.
To climb up the mountain of success is never an easy one, don’t cry aloud when confronted with failures; instead, remember the many battles you've silently won.
Focus on your strengths and be ready to accept challenges, for there are certain encounters at every life phases.
To be realistic, life challenges are products of nature. Thus, there are inevitable for all creatures.
When confronted, don’t rely on your own strength but on that of the Lord. His wisdom and strength can raise you above all odds.
Amid problems, free your mind from unproductive thoughts. Occupying your mind with negative thoughts isn’t conducive to courage, rather, it erodes it. However, such thoughts doesn't justify being brave but portray uncommon absurdism in an ineptly sort. In fact, it render one as a frivolous crumbum.
Rise up now and set a goal for yourself. To do that, you need to free your mind and your soul.
It is imperative to note that situations and occasions on this planet are actually temporal, either being emotional wrecked or swiftly favoured, none makes one immortal. Therefore, perpetrating unpropitiously to get anything done is utterly immoral. This is indeed, a factual fact that we must hold at all time.
A peaceful mind is required for enabling rational conduct and the ability to maintain a peaceful state of mind lies within, but since we are forgetful, we often live in ache and distress.
Listen! Worrying changes nothing for the better, you’ll only need to embrace peace and sacrifice the past to be a positive pace setter.
To be frank, who is living without a problem? Smiles... I leave the people of the world to give a befitting answer. Conclude not your case for there is unassailable tendency of a greener part when the Lord (God almighty) shine some rays in your path. And then, the prevailing circumstances impeding the best you could acquire grandiosely will be surmounted.
I enjoin you to rid yourself of fear and instability. Only then, you can diligently and physically explore your big dreams in your own ability.
My ink is not enough, so I won’t talk much. I beg you to take note of the followings to avoid stories that touch.
*Avoid putting all eggs in one basket. *Never doubt the existence of He that is above even while struggling in this temporal market. In truth, there is no second chances when one is lain in the casket.
Everyone has a story to tell. With no atom of doubt, tenacity and perseverance will get you to the lightened path. Alas! ‘There is always light at the end of the tunnel’.
After every storm, there is quite and the possibility of receiving all the blessings you ought to have received. Don’t be deceived, the secret of most successful people is that, whatever they do, they have faith in themselves, and that is self-belief.
In summary, Self-belief can either mar you or make you.