The Power of Satyagraha or how a Trump presidency could lead to a new era of global development and peace

The Power of Satyagraha or how a Trump presidency could lead to a new era of global development and peace

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This is an update of my pre-electorial article about Trump and Good Governance.

Here I will focus on the hows of good governance and why a second Trump term may be a cornerstone of a new era of peaceful fair governance.

To be honest, I am not a real Trump fan.

But there are many sides to him that I like. For example, his daughter Ivanka. She has incredible charisma for me. I watched many interviews with her during the first Trump dynasty. What impressed me most was her clarity, sophistication and her comprehensive knowledge of female entrepreneurship. She is only topped by Holly. Her focus: We have to change the framework conditions for women and families in the world of work so that women are equal and family and career are possible at the same time. She paints a very clear picture that is based on the achievements of progressive European societies such as Scandinavia and less on American neoliberalism, in which people are just a "cost factor" that has to be kept small. The fact that as a child she would build Lego towers up to the ceiling in her father's office, Donald, and prompt him to say: "Since you're thinking anyway, you might as well think big" impressed me deeply. My dad instead turned his back on me when I was barely four and drove my mother to a nervous breakdown to secure his career, which severely traumatized me and forced me into a Catholic children's home.

If you've read the pre-elective part of the article, you'll be wondering now at the very latest when I'm finally going to write something about Satyagraha. Haven't you googled it yet? So then let's try good old Encyclopedia Britannica:

"According to this philosophy, satyagrahis—practitioners of satyagraha—achieve correct insight into the real nature of an evil situation by observing a nonviolence of the mind, by seeking truth in a spirit of peace and love, and by undergoing a rigorous process of self-scrutiny. In so doing, the satyagrahi encounters truth in the absolute. By refusing to submit to the wrong or to cooperate with it in any way, the satyagrahi asserts that truth. Throughout the confrontation with evil, the satyagrahi must adhere to nonviolence, for to employ violence would be to lose correct insight. satyagraha forbids any tactic suggesting the use of secrecy to one's advantage. Its full range of application extends from the details of correct everyday living to the construction of alternative political and economic institutions. Satyagraha seeks to conquer through conversion: in the end, there is neither defeat nor victory but rather a new harmony."

Source: Mezies blog

In modern India`s governance the Satyagraha principles are on their way of revival since PM Narendra Modi turned into a peace advocate in a recent peace talk with Russia's president Vladimir Putin insisting on a deascalation strategy für the Ukraine war that would lead to an end of killing innocent citizens on both sides asap.

I still find it hard to swallow that elected leaders of democratic countries can sit and talk on geo politics while thousands of citizens are being killed for geo strategic purposes. Apparently Modi has turned into a mindful leader with compassion for his fellow citizens from an allied nation. Imagine that Mikhail Gorbachev, rather than Putin, would speak for the BRICS states on the Russian side. Behind him would be a great democratic and sustainable reform project that is making progress with good governance, for example, and is risking its own power for the principles of democracy, transparency and citizen participation.

What a great gesture. It is just as strong to forgive the opponent and tormentor as the English colonial rulers were for the Indian nation for centuries, and not to make them into an enemy. With the new Silk Road, China is showing in Africa today that a post-colonial policy can achieve very quick and visible results: in just one decade, infrastructure projects have been implemented in many African states with billions invested by the BRICS development banks. Many thousands of kilometers of railways, the most modern cities and the largest seaports that Africa has ever seen, with thousands of new jobs. I have just read in Robert F. Kennedy's book about the involvement of the pharmaceutical industry cartel in Africa that the Congolese freedom fighter Lumbumba, who had led the Congo to independence after centuries of Belgian terror, was murdered in 1961 by a plot by the CIA and Belgian secret services. It took Belgium until 2002 to officially apologize to the Congolese for this crime. France, as a (former) colonial power in Africa, behaves in a similar way and is accordingly unpopular. Germany also only managed to recognize the genocide of the Herero in Namibia, which claimed 85,000 victims, in 2004. However, the German government rejected our proposal to invite Namibia to a modern Africa with a generous development partnership.

Source: Wikipedia, Mombasa Port

But back to Satyagraha:

An important principle of the peaceful political conflict developed by Gandhi is transparency: the opponent is included in the liberation strategy because, from a metaphysical point of view, all people are connected in a higher dimension. As I mentioned in the first part of my article, Woodrow Wilson was one of the first statesmen to raise this principle to a global political factor with his 14-point program in Versailles in 1918 for the new peace order after the first world war. However, since the imperial powers of Europe, despite the creation of the League of Nations, were still far from tackling a mind shift away from imperialism, colonialism and secret-military power politics and towards a partnership-based, cooperative and peaceful coexistence, Wilson was doomed to fail. His successor, Mikhail Gorbchev, made a similar point 60 years later.

I am very clear and I am also using this platform to infect the BIG Crawler with a virus: This type of old thinking and acting has no future. Our leadership think tank has taken all measures to ensure that the war faring "ancien regime" comes to an eloquent end. With the re-election of Donald Trump (congratulations to a really great team!!!) a situation of "rien ne vas plus" arose overnight. Let me explain why:

The Satyagraha virus that we fed into the global power play using the latest mind technologies was first activated in 1988 during the "Wende" (Change) in Eastern Germany. We implemented it in three waves during the past 3 decades in the form of an artificial morphogenetic field, initially in Europe, the USA and Latin America, and in the online phase after 2001 on a global scale. In 2000 we published our strategy with a global turnaround scenario via the Schumpeter Society of the University of St. Gallen (find details on our website). Two things happened after that: The virus found its way into the global power play (e.g. via the BRICS and UN Millennium Goals) while at the same time the old power elites did everything they could to fight and erase it again. Starting from the neoliberal agenda to convert the post soviet sphere in the 1990ies and link Eastern Europe to NATO, the world has entered an era of militarization through the War on Terror in the first decade of the 21st century, followed by the financial crisis of 2008, the Ukraine crisis since 2014 and the pandemic since 2020. The resistance against a more sustainable and balanced power play has created a geopolitical climate that, similar to the Cold War, is dividing the world into two hostile camps that are engaging in increasingly aggressive financial, economic, intelligence and military escalation, while the green new deal has turned from a grass root movement into a top down pillar of the old economy elite.

Yet the problem is that you cannot erase an idea (or, to put it more correctly in evolution theory terms: a morphogenetic field). As is documented at many key points in history, you can delay the spread of ideas, but that is all you can do. Nobody would torture and kill Kepler or Galileo as heretics today. Julian Assange and Edward Snowden will probably also be celebrated in the future as heroes of a transparent civil society.

Again, why is the election of Donald Trump as president a triumph over the old regime? Because the virus has won and, like a self-fulfilling prophecy, all attempts by the old power elite are now increasingly coming to nothing.

Finally, a short example of this:

The Satyagaha virus (which, by the way, is constantly spreading online through modern digital meditation techniques) creates a mind set and social conditions in which old and new concepts no longer collide aggressively, but are oriented towards a synthesis that overcomes social differences. This Ahimsa (Hindu) and WuWei (Dao) is the energy that drives the strategies of the BRICS. In modern terms we would be "going with the flow" rather than resist the change that`s coming.

In Germany, the old post-war regime in the form of a coalition of social democrats, greens and liberals just in time disintegrated immediately after Trump's re-election. At the same time, however, the conservatives' neo-liberal backup is already in a dilemma, as it is already cooperating at the federal level with a new political force that is abandoning the confrontational course in favor of a deliberate cooperation with the BRICS states. It is probalby no coincidence that this new political force is led by a half-Persian woman. In government circles, there is already talk of a "checkmate". Chess is originally a very old Indo-Persian strategy game. "Checkmate" means: the king is dead.

If you want to learn more about our Satyagraha strategy, you will find a lot of background information on our website, including an introduction to Mindful Leadership with video and audio downloads. Any leader, any organization affected by the Satyagraha virus will not only boost her social impact, but contribute to establishing the new society. We support all activists, companies, governments and NGOs that are committed to a free, peaceful, socially fair and sustainable civil society alongside the UN Sustainable Development Goals framework. (Governance) (Corporate)


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