There is power in rejoicing, it brings out the best in an individual that understands it efficacy. Why do I need to rejoice in the midst of hopelessness?
* It is commanded: Philippians 4 : 4 says, rejoice in the Lord always...God actually want us to be joyful at all times.
* It saves energy: When we are rejoicing you are saving your energy. And this will facilitate our efficiency in life. Things will begin to work well for us. Proverbs 17:22 says, a merry heart do good like magic: but a broken spirit dry up the bones.
* It facilitates answers to prayers: Joy is a lubricant to prayers. It makes prayers fly instead of walking. A clear study of Hannah's answers to her prayers of have a man child shows what she did differently in the book of 1 Samuel 1 : 9 - 18. the woman when her way, and did eat ,and her countenance was no more sad."
Therefore, it is wise for us to see every day as a rare blessing from the Lord. Psalm 118 : 24.