The Power of References: How to Turn the Page on a New Chapter

The Power of References: How to Turn the Page on a New Chapter

Remember the old saying, "You're known by the company you keep"? In the professional world, this translates into, "You're known by the references you provide."

In our professional journey, the relationships we cultivate, the impressions we make, and the reputation we build all come together when a potential employer asks for a reference.

References are not just about validating your resume. They can furthermore be used to bring your work ethic, skills, and character to life. They add a human perspective to your professional story and can help bridge the gap between being a candidate and becoming an employee.

However, what happens if you've been a part of a company that didn't quite align with your values or if a reference doesn't reflect your best work?

Read more about this article by Marc Karim Baloch .

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