For moving forward in life it is very important to have a goal and an inspiration who can guide you and bring back you on the right track even if you tend to fall off-track.
I am a book lover. Text books, novels, biographies are my best friends and source of inspiration. Reading different authors provide me with vast ocean of knowledge in which I can dive for years. Recently I was reading “The monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin Sharma. It’s a motivational and a great inspirational book. The book provides various techniques and magical formulas to attain one’s highest potential. These magical formulas are not supernatural rather it talks about “simple living and high thinking “ways.
There are many such books which can change the way you look at the world. Just for an example “Think and Grow rich” by Napoleon Hill is about abundance, including spiritual abundance, and how to attract all that is good into your life. The point simply is read and keep reading .
I have learnt a lot from books, whether text books or novels and this treasure of knowledge will definitely help me to lead a better life. Found some amazing quotes and lines in the first book I mentioned above:
Your “I CAN” is more important than your IQ
“Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality”
“The best antidote for fear is knowledge”
“You truly cannot afford the luxury of even one negative thought. A worrisome thought is like an embryo: it starts off small but grows and grows. Soon it takes on life of its own. Stop feeding what doesn’t serve you.
“I once read that people who study others are wise but those who study themselves are enlightened”
“Books do not actually teach you anything new, they simply help you to see what is already within you”
Reading has its own magical powers. It’s a medicine for motivation, inspiration, imagination, creativity, building skills, abilities and character of an individual. You can travel the world by flipping the pages of your books. No need for an air ticket; what all is needed is just a cup of coffee.
PS: Want to know your sources of motivation as well. Whether its singing, art, music, cooking, writing, reading or what not so. Do mention in the comments.