Power Query Not for BI; Part 3 - Event Date and Time Scheduler

Power Query Not for BI; Part 3 - Event Date and Time Scheduler

Previously You have seen in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, that how you can use Power Query to do data transformation and turn the result of event date/time scheduler of timeanddate.com website to a better format. We’ve used number of basic transformations, and some functions such as Table.Transpose to fetch desired output. This part is the last step which we will use parameters to make our query dynamic. At the end of this part you will learn how to automate your Power Query solution, with a change in parameters in an Excel table, and hit refresh button a new result set with desired format will be created. To learn more about Power Query, read my Power BI online book; Power BI from Rookie to Rock Star.


Using Parameters

We’ve made all the data manipulation and mash up, and the output result set is exactly as desired. However, one step is left: Using Parameters and making this query dynamic or automate the process. For parameters I use an Excel table as my configuration table.  So I create a table as below;

Read rest of the blog post here:


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