The power of promotion
Zvjezdana Vuki?
Chef Designer at A la Dizajn ? On a mission to help small food businesses and individuals to create, develop, design and organize their food dreams.
Having a good product/service is only half of the job done. The other half is creating ads that will be seen by your ideal customers. Marketers have done a lot of research to find out how to reach customers and how long it takes for a customer to take notice of a particular ad.
You might have scrolled through the internet, passed the same ad several times, but never took notice of it, until suddenly you did take notice of the “new” ad that has been showing up on your pages. Marketers have found that it takes up to seven times for the ad to be shown before the customers take notice of it.
There are a lot of ads showing, therefore, it is no surprise that it takes a customer up to seven times to see a particular ad before they finally realize what the ad is about.
Another thing to keep in mind when promoting a product/service is the appearance of the ad. The catchier the caption and design, the more the customer will take a glance at the ad. Therefore, make sure to take a little bit of more time designing an ad to make it easier for the customer to notice it and understand its message.