Power of Present at Present.
Source: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=9dew731Y&id=BF7A401D697B473037AD07944E0A8F79E997356E&thid=OIP.9dew731YwLiU-uHBm1YTJAHaE8

Power of Present at Present.

“The best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment.”

— Thich Nhat Hanh


Tell me, are you living Mindful? or your mind is full of numerous thoughts related to.... social comparison at social media, money problems overwhelming busy day, relationship issues, no one listening, personal growth, internal distractions, feeling emptiness, issue of time, procrastinating things, etc. oh my god the list is extensive.

Such internal chatters keep annoying many people.

You might be one of them.

Nowadays, the term 'Mindfulness' is trending in the corporate world for the wellness of professionals. Therapists also practice Mindfulness as a tool for healing various mental and emotional health problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc.

So, what is mindfulness?

It is a state of being present at present, paying attention to what is happening without judgment. It is about being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and what is around you. Its main objective is to make you more aware of your present moment. When you become aware of what's happening in your mind and your surroundings, you can make wiser and better decisions.

If your decisions are good, it is easier to stay focused and not get easily swayed by distractions.

You can achieve a state of mindfulness without sitting calmly and closing your eyes. There are only three steps to achieve it—yes, only three. First is to breathe, second is to focus, and last is to be Aware.


Are you alive or? Ha, ha… kidding! You are alive, right? How do you know you are alive? Because you are breathing. Are you breathing slower or faster than normal?While reading this observe your breathing…

Concentrate on breathing, don’t change your pace of breathing. Only be aware of your breathing.


What are you doing now? You are now reading this article, right? you are reading this sentence, yes, this word.? Read with full focus, bring your full concentration here. Yes here, you are reading this very carefully what is happening next, relax I am not hypnotizing you. Ha, ha…

Now, stop! Rewind a couple of seconds. What were you doing? Yes, you were reading this paragraph very carefully. This means you have activated your sense of vision. You have achieved a state of mindfulness with one sense that is nothing but your eyes and you might not consciously have realized it; you were just in the flow.

Next, activate your sense of listening. What sounds can you hear right now? Pay attention to any background noises. Take a moment to stop reading and focus on the sounds around you. It could be birdsong, your heartbeat, your breathing, the ticking of a clock, or any other noise. Just listen to it.


There are many instances when you wander in your past or in the future. When you are consciously aware that, OK I am wandering in my past or in my future, then you can say you are mindful of what you are thinking.

Similarly, when you are saying something and you are consciously aware of it then you can say you are mindful of what you are speaking.

To experience the state of mindfulness, you need to be aware of your present moment.

Next time you practice mindfulness, ask these questions yourself, What kind of emotions do I feel at the present moment? What kind of thoughts cross my mind? Is my mind occupied with other distractive thoughts? Are my thoughts wandering somewhere? These questions can help you to cherish present moments.

This is how you have to achieve a mindful state and embrace it in day-to-day life. You can follow a similar process with your other senses. We have five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

One day, I had a conflict with my brother Sobu about something. Both were angry at each other. Oh my god, I remember how badly we confronted each other. Arguments on arguments, listing out all past mistakes, and blame games went on… After the conflict was over, whatever he spoke to me started crossing my mind. Many words hurt me, made me helpless, and prompted tears.

In general, we often have conflicts with our loved ones, and that hurts a lot... right?

When I was alone, I found myself fully immersed in a conversation with my negative thoughts. These thoughts were forcing me to build strategies to either sever relations with my brother or make him realize his mistakes.

I watched all these negative discussions of mine and observed my thoughts from a third-person perspective. I realized I was making a recipe for killing the relationship with my brother. I understood, proving your worth only destroys you…

Observing your thoughts and emotions as a third person helps you to make better choices and better decisions, improves relationships, and contributes to emotional and mental well-being. Just imagine a person who is not observing their thoughts or emotions—how costly it would be for their relationships, health, and well-being.

Consistently practicing mindfulness with each sense helps to cultivate awareness of your thoughts, feelings, behavior, and surroundings.

Mindfulness is a very powerful tool you can apply in all aspects of your life. It varies from Mindful Breathing (practice of paying deliberate attention to each breath, focusing on the sensation of inhaling and exhaling.), Mindful Walking (paying attention to each step and your surroundings), Mindful Eating (Eat slowly and savor each bite. Pay attention to flavors, textures, and the act of eating), Mindful Sleeping (consciously entering a state of rest, where one focuses on the present moment and let go of thoughts and worries, allowing for a more peaceful and rejuvenating night's rest), Mindful Communication (Practices for active listening, empathetic communication, and managing conflicts mindfully), Mindful Leadership (fostering a positive and mindful workplace culture), etc.



