The Power of Presence
Photo by Richárd Ecsedi on Unsplash

The Power of Presence

Are you living in your head? So consumed with the thoughts whirling around your brain that you feel disconnected from the world around you. Stressed and anxious. Worried what the future might bring. Deadlines, bills, appointments, relationship issues. Focused on everything but the present moment.

Many people believe the “cure” to these so-called “negative” thoughts is positive thinking. Personally, I find it exhausting - this constant vigilance; being on the alert for any “negativity” and replacing any “negative” thought with a positive one. To me, this is just replacing one story with another and keeps us in our heads even more.

The last thing I need is to spend more time in my head, constantly judging everything I think. We have become mind-obsessed. So identified with our thoughts and feelings that we are rarely ever just Being. Continually reliving the past or getting ahead of ourselves and living in the future.

Life is for living and we can only ever live this moment – Now. Imagine the relief of moving beyond this constant stream of useless, repetitive, often destructive thoughts that have a stranglehold on us. Imagine just being. Being present right now. Our mind still and only switching on when we need to use it for what it was intended for – a tool for learning, evaluating, assessing. But only when we need it. Our mind quiet – so we can enjoy life and just Be.

We need to get out of our heads and into our bodies. To be Present. In the moment. Perceiving without judging.

Next time you feel overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, you could try one of these techniques that help me keep grounded in the present:

1.      Focus on your breathing. Feel the cool air enter your nose and flow down your throat. Feel your abdomen expand. Feel the pause between the in and out breath. Feel your abdomen contract and the warm air leave your body. Be conscious of the pause between the out and in breath.

2.      Become aware of your body. Take off your shoes and put your feet flat on the floor. Feel your soles where they touch the floor. Focus on the inner energy of your feet. Feel how alive they are. Your feet might start to tingle or vibrate. Just feel.

3.      Go for a walk. Focus on a tree. Really see it – the solidity of the trunk, the strength of the roots, the shape of the branches. How the leaves sway in the breeze. Hear the birds, really listen to their song. Feel the sun on your skin, the wind in your hair. Literally “smell the roses”. Take in the scent of cut grass.

Find what works for you. That thing that keeps you grounded. Present. Practice it until you master it. Start to bring the practice into your work and the everyday things you do.

Di Krome is a purpose coach and founder of Wildfire Coaching. Di’s mission is to inspire people to live their life with purpose and reignite their passion in life.


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