Power of prayer and optimism to fight Coronavirus!
Board Certified Cardiologist, Founder/CEO Pronto Care and Florida Medical Tourism, Global Healthcare Leader,Entrepreneur, Speaker, Consultant
There is a desperate need to address the tremendous escalation of fear, stress, anxiety, depression that is going around everywhere and intensified recently due to the spread of Coronavirus infection. The impact of positive words expressed with sincerity will have a healing effect and boost your immune system. On the contrary, negative words will promote fear and anxiety thus have a damaging effect on the immune system. Regular prayers and meditations contribute to healthy living as the correlation between prayers and health have been well studied. Prayer would clam the heart, decrease the heart rate, lower blood pressure, lowers the level of stress, Prayer increase the level of a neurotransmitter called Dopamine that is associated with a state of joy and wellbeing. Prayer helps recovery after open-heart surgery, lower body inflammation with fewer asthma attacks and may increase longevity. There are nearly 7 million people in the U.S. who are affected by an anxiety disorder and about an additional 6 million with panic disorder with both expected to have a rise in these numbers over the next few months. Similarly, a rise in the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with cleaning and washing compulsions. Financial impact of the Coronavirus pandemic is adding to the panic and stress. So, how we can combat all these adversities?
Words are powerful tools that would help to uplift personal energy, promote positive attitudes and thus improving our lives! The opposite happens when you hang around and listen to the chronic complainers with pessimism. Therefore, when choosing friends, you should surround yourself with positive people who use positive words. Duke University Center for Spirituality reported in 2015 the results of the analysis of 1500 studies which showed that people who pray regularly have better physical and mental health, have a quicker recovery from illness when compared with those who do not pray regularly or do not pray at all. Prayer affects positively every active chemical in the body such as cortisol level( stress hormone). Prayer helps the patient coping with any health crisis with acceptance with patience rather than having anger and resentment.
The positive effects of prayer include reducing anxiety, stress, especially during a crisis or illness and were shared all across various faiths including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. For example, a study showed the effect of a Muslim Prayer ( Salat) on Electrocardiography and its relationship with the Autonomic Nervous System. Results showed during prayer that the parasympathetic activity increased and the sympathetic activity decreased, thus reducing anxiety, reduce cardiovascular risk by promoting relaxation.
World Health Organization( WHO) considers spirituality as the fourth dimension of health. Neuro-physiologic effects of prayer include an increase in Cerebral Blood Flow ( CBF) and changes in brain activity during intense prayer which is associated with surrender or being connected with God as reported by Dr. Andrew Newberg, from Thomas Jefferson University in August 2015.
Now, as the whole world is trying to fight Coronavirus infection. One of the least emphasized but extremely effective strategies in combating this terrible pandemic in addition to taking all appropriate measures such as social distancing, thorough hand washing, wearing masks, using disinfectants, eating healthy food, taking supplements, get enough sleep is to combat escalating stress, anxiety, depression, suicide and fear through the power of prayer and optimism. Do not listen to or watch negative news because everyone now knows that things will get worse before they get better. Focus, on what you can do to decrease the current hysteria about Coronavirus as the fear factor could be much worse than the virus itself!
Stay positive, be aware that God Almighty is in full control, thus get yourself busy and take advantage of the time spent at home to have quality family time, pray more and ask for God Forgiveness and Mercy for all humanity. Be extra kind to your fellow humans by showing compassion and concern toward others. Share only positive news, spread optimism and stick to the facts without exaggeration or downplaying. There is good news about the beginning of containment of Coronavirus infection in China, the development of vaccines is underway as well as clinical trials for new and old treatments in many parts of the world. Do self-quarantine with plenty of fluids and rest, May go to Emergency Room if you have a high fever, shortness of breath only to avoid overwhelming the system which is already stretched to the limits at the present time, thus saving that hospital bed to someone who really needs it!. The high-risk group including the elderly, those with the weak immune system and chronic diseases would have a low threshold to be evaluated clinically and tested before developing symptoms. If working from home, it is recommended that you create a structured, work environment with daily goals to achieve to maintain your mental wellbeing!
Remember, we are in this crisis altogether Globally., Do not despair from God Mercy, You should know that God Almighty is closer to you than the Jugular Vein in your neck, so be assured that God Almighty through prayer will give your heart peace and tranquility which in turn, will help to combat fear, anxiety, depression and boost your immune system to fight Coronavirus. You can save lives by sincere prayers, being positive and spreading optimism everywhere!
- Dr Adel Eldin, MD, FACC, FACP, MBA, GGA
- Board Certified Cardiologist
- Founder, CEO
- Affordable Quality Healthcare Program
- www.prontocare.co
- Founder, CEO
- www.floridamedicaltourism.com
- Wesley Chapel, Florida
- Tel: 877-DR ELDIN