Power of Prayer, Flying Saucers, Miracle Healers and Goddess Laxmi in Business and Career Success...

Power of Prayer, Flying Saucers, Miracle Healers and Goddess Laxmi in Business and Career Success...

In last few days I saw two movis in You Tube one is 'Shawsank Redemption' and second 'The Beautiful Life'. Both the movies have a one theme in common. That is survival at the face of near death. In the beautiful life the hero with his family is subjected to severe hardship. Nevertheless makes all out attempt act as if they are participating in a competition with out and tries to keep a positive attitude at the face of near death. This attitude helps him plan his wife and sons escape, even if he gets caught and killed by Nazi forces, the movie is a real example of faking positivism to get best result. 

'Shawsank Redemption'  is about a banker who is falsely accused of murdering his wife and her boyfriend is sentenced to double life imprisonment. When a man is imprisoned, he does something to occupy his mind. This man plans his escape from jail and plans a free life in Mexico.  He helps jailer create a business in jail that can provide him riches during the free life in mexico. His plan was so meticulous that even jailer could not realise the con man’s plan and fell prey to his masterplan. The ultimate result comes from hope and if you can keep dreaming life becomes beautiful, no matter you are right now.

The Art of choosing:

The day is yours and you make the choice of how it is going to be. You have the choice of becoming happy, fulfilled and grateful no matter what are the circumstances. Or be reactive and mull over difficulties of job loss and recession hitting the industry. You have the choice becoming messenger of gloom and doom or a messenger of hope and love for people around you. You can choose be proactive and make the day happen as you wish or be reactive and let the days event suck you.

You can chose friendship over enmity or serenity over chaos.

Your subconscious mind creates direction for your life on the basis of what you chose. When we chose positivism, love, passion and hope at the time of greatest disaster looming large at our head. Our mind makes choices of possibility and finds way to create energy that is necessary to find a path out of that awaiting disaster.

Be radical in gratitude. Express your gratitude for the job loss because it gave you more time for research and writing. It gave you more time to spend time with your daughter. It gave you time to be an entrepreneur or do social work. The attitude of gratitude gives you serenity, calmness and grace.

I met with a businessman in Mumbai during the period of recession in real estate business he chose to consolidate and plan his business for the future. In the time when other businessman were wailing at the misfortune, he was coolly working on his dream project by keeping his team busy for the future. Staying calm and serene helped him find money for his employees as well as raise capital for his dream project.

When everybody chose to be reactive, he chose to be proactive.

Why we need heroes and champions

The mood of a person depends on his state of mind or dream that his propelling him forward. Similarly the mood of a nation depends on the collective state of mind of a nation. Leaders who inspire propel the collective dream of the nation towards prosperity. At that time the whole country ignores privation, poverty and famine of life and works towards dream goal of prosperity. Making the impossible possible.

People with un- satiated desire to do something bigger are undaunted by present realities and follow their dream with passionate zeal and ultimately achieve remarkable heights.

In the same token when citizens are focussed on bad luck, famine, recession falling the nation. They are collectively dreaming failure. Leaders instead of inspiring blame others. The atmosphere of blame, corruption and media activism takes the country further down.

That is why we need heroes to inspire the whole nation. In 80s Bjorn Borg’s success in Wimbledon inspired whole nation of tennis champions from Sweden like Mats Wilender, Stephan Edberg and others. Imran Khan inspired a host of fast bowlers like Wasim Akram, Waqar Yunus and others to bowl fast.

Similarly, Indian buoyancy in cricket began with Kapil Dev and Sachin Tendulkar making it big. The captain in Saurav Ganguly changed the whole mind-set of Indian cricket by inspiring it play attacking cricket from defeatist defensive cricket.

Bangaluru’s success can be attributed to initial buoyancy in education sector. The availability of cheap skilled manpower attracted investors and propelled software industry hub of the world.

Hyderabad similarly has become the hub of badminton champions thanks to Gopinath.

Today success of Indian CEOs in Sillicon valley propelling American dream of Indian youngsters to dream big and I no time we may see 100s of Indian born CEOs driving the MNCs.

Institutions are built to change the nation and educate millions to be leaders. Indian education industry boom propelled the nation of technocrats and managers. It is not only ivy league IITs/IIMs that can produce industry leaders.  Who imagined, once viriled for charging heavy donations, Manipal engineering college can produce a Microsoft CEO.

The way TV industry has given job thousands of aspiring actors, who otherwise would have struggled to make ends meet for a break in movies, the education boom in India provided thousands of engineers and managers for the industry who otherwise would have struggled for government jobs.

Flying Saucer vs Miracle Healer vs Ghosts

A hindu housewife visits a sadhu baba with miracle healing power, the sadhu performs some prayer and provides a talisman to cure her husbands illness after doctors of lost hope on finding a cure for the incurable disease. The   baba asks her to perform certain rituals. And the ill husband follows his devoted wife and both of them perform the ritual religiously. The miracle happens. It is not the Sadhu baba, it is the inner faith  of wife made her husband get miracle cure.

Mind is always full of dream, imagination and constantly tells you story. We do not believe what is the reality, we make our own reality.

A poor boy from Bihar, who works hard for IIT entrance examination, dreams of being in MIT one day succeeds. It is not his hard work it is his dream that takes him to MIT. Similarly a Shahrukh Khan in his teens, acts being a superstar in front of mirror becomes one. It is the blind faith and focus on your dream makes a person manifest it in reality.

Similarly an uneducated village folk fears about ghost appearing and visualises his fear makes the ghost manifest in real.

That is the reason we need story of flying saucers, ghosts, gossips and fascinating tales of extra marital affairs for poverty stricken village folks to keep their spirit high. The smaller the village is the greater the chance of finding ghost stories circulating around.

Goddess Laxmi and Prosperity

One of the simple ways to be in tune with the Law of Attraction is to chant a prosperity mantra.

'Mantras are essentially 'thought forms' representing divinities or cosmic powers, which exert their influence by means of sound vibrations. By repeating a specific mantra one is able to tap into the cosmic super source to manifest one's intent. You can ask for good health, protection from harm, peace, prosperity, healing or inspiration but how much you receive is determined by your own belief or conversely your limitations'  --adapted from https://richesandbeauty.blogspot.in/ 

The way the trader class in India created wealth  is a legion. A family from faraway Rajasthan after business failure reaches the poor Kalahandi tribal district in Odisha,India. The place fascinates the businessman and sees great wealth in the area because of absence of other traders. With no local knowledge, local support and money the family sets up a small shop after pawning wife’s jewellery. Only hope for the god fearing family is Goddess of wealth Laxmi and hope the businessman saw through his business awareness. The man has never read Napoleon Hill or Rhonda Byne. Every day he wakes up in the morning and prays goddess Laxmi for the wealth and performs religious rituals.

A businessman creates his business through visualisation much like a golfer or champion athlete plays every shot in his mind. It is the mind game one plays attracts success. A business man who spends time offering prayer to goddess Laxmi is actually creating his business in his mind. When in good natured faith he is created trust with Goddess to deliver. It is not goddess, it is the trust created through prayer helps him accumulate his wealth.

With Humility and god faith he dreams about making big money and creates wealth for his family. What is the difference between him and other local educated boy who sees no future leaves the place to greener future? Is the difference of dream the way they visualised their future. The local boy reaches Mumbai, gets fascinated by the wealth and dreams about getting a job and making it big. Writes to his father and mother about the opportunities. Visits temples and offers prayer to god asking for help. Gets a job in a small company and slowly and steadily creates wealth for himself and his family in Mumbai. Ultimately owns his own company.

What is seen by an immigrant in Mumbai, a Maharastrian in Mumbai does not see it. An average Mubaikar gets more involved in local politics, thinking and complains about every thing what is wrong in Mumbai. That is influx of non Maharastrians, Gujrati or Madrasi dominance in business. By twist of fate a Maharastrian reaches Dubai. He gets fascinated by wealth creation opportunity and now the same boy makes great wealth in Dubai.

What Fascinates You becomes your passion then, you see it: What you see that appears in real life..

No matter where you are today how you program your mind decides your business. Dhirubhai Ambani dreamt of his mega petroleum company while working in Aden, Yemen at a petrol pump. Who would have imagined a metric fail, school teacher’s son will amass so much of wealth.

Business like a tapasya, it is what you constantly dream. Apple founder spent one year in the Himalyas with his girlfriend before he founded Apple. In the same note Narendra Modi, who is inspired by Swami Vivekananda spent one year in Himalaya dreaming about undivided India. The seeds of success is always planted in the minds of business leader, who spend all their waking hours dreaming about that impossible goal.

Mind Valley CEO, Vishesh Lakhiani, dreamt and visualised his company while sleeping on the sofa of a friend’s house in New York apartments. That was the period he could not rent an apartment and stayed in a friend’s place. Today Mindvlley is considered to be the best workplace in the world. He created his business in his mind and visualised it in detail by bending the reality.

His focus was totally on end goal. How he wants to spend his life? What kind of services he would provide? Who will be friends?

Vishesh Lakhiani believes in creating business through visualisation. All his staff members start the day with a six phase meditation that can be found in the YouTube.

No matter where you are today. You can make your dream become a reality by focussing on end goal and not by focussing on means goals that makes you react today’s reality.

My wife and me..

“The possibilities of prayer are the possibilities of faith. Prayer and faith are twins. One heart animates them both. Faith is always praying. Prayer is always believing. Faith must have a tongue by which it can speak. Prayer is the tongue of faith. Faith must receive. Prayer must rise and soar. Faith must give prayer the wings to fly and ascend. Prayer must have an audience with God. Faith opens the door, and access and audience are given. Prayer asks. Faith lays its hand on the thing asked for.” - E. M. Bounds

My wife Anjana is deeply religious wakes up in the morning and does her puja. It is fascinating the way she drives her day with happiness, family chore and her own job. A master degree holder carries the rustic charm of blind faith in Hindu religion and gods. While, I with my professorial enquiring mind do the early morning puja because it regulates my life and gives me peace and not because of a blind faith. My exposure to various religion and culture as well as reading books and constant travel abroad does not make me a good follower of a religion or a devoted hindu. As a result my wife is much happier then what I am today.

What helps us is blind faith and in the contrary education helps we question everything. Once we start questioning, we doubt and our doubt creates suspicion which in turn create mental monsters which manifests in real life. That is why find more educated derelicts and Anguta Chaap/uneducated billionaires.



Rakesh Dhiman

Marketing for Bansal Alloys & Metals (P) ltd

8 年

Wonderful, Mr Mahapatra. There are so many articles on positive thinking, your write up is another one which is inspiring. Very well written.

Anand V

Enabling India's Daughters & Gender Champions

8 年

Good article. What is your take on destiny?

Ramesh S

Retired General Manager from a Leading Heavy Engineering Corporation

8 年

Good article.

Train to Prosper

Sales Consulting I Sales Expert Coaching I Sales Training I Bespoke Training

8 年

Liked your narrative style Prof. A good collage.


Good one sir. What i liked in this is in the simplest form you are able to put it.



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