The power of positive words: Absolutely, Totally, Definitely, Positively!
Bhumi Prajapati
Shopify Expert | E-commerce Growth Strategist | D2C, SAAS, Print-on-Demand Expert | Product, Category & Account Management
Before you start reading this, write down 3 positive words you use daily.
UMMMMM...I bet you won't be able to find 3 positive words you use daily. Honestly, I could not.
Recently I opted for a demo call for software service (we all know demo calls are sales calls :)) Anyway.. The lady the other end was calling me from 7000 miles away and that was the best demo call I had. We talked about Covid, Our love for traveling- Our Thailand trip, and how beautiful the country is, and of course what are the beautiful places in India to Visit.
Back to the story of positive words, She used the word "ABSOLUTELY" 15 times on a call while giving a demo of the product. Even when the software was not having certain features I was asking for, she replied ABSOLUTELY and later explain it has this limitation. But I recall it was an Absolutely good sales call, haha!
What I observe and learn in general,
1.We all want immediate approval: why? Because we have spent hours brainstorming the idea in our head, prepared the report spending hours considering all factors, spend years preparing a good product, or have made many mock calls for the perfect sales pitch. So we want an immediate positive response for the same. Next time when you present those ideas/products/reports you should be ready for a FEEDBACK response instead of a positive response. That will certainly change the outcome of all the hard work you have done.
2. Appreciate and disagree: If you are on the other end reviewing somebody's report, or idea, or new product. You might want to respond positively first followed by a disagreement. This is Good but It could be this or that or a better version of it.
3. USE New Positive words: Widen the positive words vocabulary.
How are you doing: Good(Replace it with Great), Can you do this for me: Sure (Replace it with Absolutely) Hows work: Going good ( I already mentioned earlier I can't find 3 positive words I use daily, I am working on my positive words vocab ;) )
Anyway, let's work on using more positive words, if you find interesting positive words, Do let me know!