The Power of Positive Thinking....
Can Words Actually Break Our Bones?
As children, we all learned that classic schoolyard comeback: “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” I know as a child, I struggled to believe this, even while I used it to fight back against plenty of insults and put-downs. Words caused me real pain, even if I wouldn’t admit it.
But a recent MIT study revealed something interesting. The study said that if someone tells us that we can’t do something, - somebody else has to come along and say “you can do it, you can do it,” 17 times to neutralize that 1 time.
So words do damage us in a very real way. They may not literally break our bones, but they do something even worse: they can break our hearts and our spirit.
That negative reinforcement doesn’t just cause pain in the moment. It eventually kills our dreams if we let it.
~ Les Brown
Words can sell. Words can repel. Words can lead. Words can impede. Words can heal, and words can kill.
Remember: Thoughts lead to words. Words lead to action, and actions lead to habits. Our daily habits lead to our success or failure.
Make today your day to shine!