Kunjan Choksi CA, CMA (USA), CertIFRS
Director Corporate Finance | Fundraising | M&A | Digital transformation | 23 years -Middle East & India | Logistics, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas and Power
It is a heartbreaking but true fact that the flight of selective news reporting has taken away three things:-
- Pure Joy
- Ultimate bliss and
- True spirit of life
that Almighty has bestowed upon us, we homo sapiens, as we consider us to be the supreme species that has evolved on this planet.
Social media has added high-octane fuel to this flight of darkness and misery.
Facts which no one can fathom and which are clearly farfetched are portrayed pertaining to an individual, a group, an organization, government or even a country. This is not called news ‘reporting’ but news ‘manufacturing’. So I stay away from what is manufactured vis-à-vis what is factual. News means and should be ‘As it is’.
Nothing new in what I said above…Right…But this fact was better realized by my late grandpa – who was my teacher, a friend and sometimes a guide. We are now into the 1980s. Grandpa’s daily routine begins with reading the leading vernacular newspaper in Surat, ‘Gujarat Mitra’. In those times, albeit a few times but he had to encounter a few bad news items on
- Corruption
- Robbery
- Murder
But he was nevertheless aghast.
And eventually one day come, when he started hating the press and told me, I am no longer going to read the newspaper again...!
Today the newspapers, news lines, websites and social media platforms are cluttered with
- Social & mental abuses
- Highly immoral acts
- Gang rapes & brutal assaults
- Heinous crimes
- Corruption of public money and property
- Political vendetta
- Drugs & Human trafficking.
- Terrorism
- Proxy nuclear wars
And the list is endless…
I know you will say that not reading or non-reporting about the bad news is not the solution to the problem. Completely agree. But reporting only bad news and especially fake-bad news will give a one-hundred per cent negative torque force generated by a Bugatti Veyron to the already worsening the problem created in the minds of people of this generation by all media.
Luckily there is other side of this coin as well. You just need to turn it, see it and believe it. And this calls for another pair of glasses to see:
- Astounding unity of people in crisis
- Adoption of orphans & villages
- Technology proving a savior in rural & remote areas
- Great honest acts of the commonest of people
- Leaders living the Country first principle
- Philanthropic acts in natural calamities
- Deserts turned into forest
- Blood & organ donations saving life
- Incredible animal rescues – Race to protect all species
- Nations joining hands to protect what is just right.
This is the side which I call Power of Positive reporting. In this era also, pleasant experiences are felt, good deeds do happen, brotherhood still pervades, harmony exists and great things that help mankind, do happen. And this can iterate and proliferate. I beckon those journalists, news reporters, TV & media anchors to listen, observe, read, understand and tell us those facts, those events, those deeds – that happened yesterday, today, now.
Breaking news of joy, eternal & spiritual bliss.