The Power of Positive Focus
In our fast-moving digital world, the frequency and velocity of distractions continue to grow. It is getting more and more challenging to get things done and to get the right things done in an appropriate amount of time. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard people say, “I feel like I live in an ADD world.” And some days I feel like that too…
Because of all these distractions, an increasingly effective success strategy is to use the power of focus to get things done. If you focus when others are struggling with their ability to focus, you can achieve great stuff faster and more effectively – that is a definite advantage, hence a success strategy...
If you focus when others are struggling with their ability to focus, you can achieve great stuff faster and more effectively – that is a definite advantage, hence a success strategy.
The challenges with our ability to focus are not only the dings and flashes and beeps of digital distractions but others. Do any of these sound familiar?
·????????The task is too difficult
·????????Low self-confidence in your ability to complete the task
·????????Paralysis by overwhelm or stress
·????????External demands and pressures
·????????Not a large enough chunk of time to complete
·????????Disliking the task or not wanting to do it.
·????????Not understanding the task
·????????Pure procrastination
Let’s admit it, getting anything done requires focus and attention. So it is up to us to control and manage our focus.
The dictionary defines the noun focus as “a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity” and the verb, “to concentrate.” Combining these two, it becomes clear that focusing is an action in our control.
Why is this important? Many of the people who struggle with the ability to focus allow distractions and other interrupters to have more power than they should. The dating of the text message. The telephone. Noises. People walking by. Random thoughts. On and on…
Five Strategies
Here are 5 strategies that can help you sharpen your ability to use this powerful tool in the game of life:
Decide to focus. While this admonition may sound a tad silly, the very first step in embracing the power of focus as a success strategy is to take control and choose to focus. By telling yourself you are going to focus on a certain task for the next 5 minutes or the next half hour, it opens the door for you to block out distractions and to realize the productivity that pure focus can enable. To not check your email. To not answer the phone. To knuckle down, for whatever amount of time you believe is needed or will work for you.
Pursue clarity. When you are clear on the goal of your focused effort, it allows you to work toward achieving that result. Goal clarity is a motivator. It also allows you to reward yourself when the task is done. “For the next half hour, I am going to work only on my month-end report and have it ready to send to by x o’clock…” “Before I leave work today, I’m going to complete my application for…” “When I get home, I am going to spend my first half hour listening to my son about his day in school…”
Know Your Priorities. One way to avoid what I call “self–distraction” is to make sure that you are focusing on your top priorities. When you find yourself working on things that are less important than what you “should” be working on, you can risk thinking about those tasks that are more important than that Facebook post you just started. When you know that you are working on the absolute most right thing, it gives energy to the focused effort.
Choose the Right Time to Focus. Circadian rhythm and energy levels play into your focusing success. It is important to recognize that you can’t have high energy all day long or focus completely all day long. Sometimes the amount of focus you can apply can be for only a few minutes. Depending on the priority of the task and the amount of time needed, it can be useful to take advantage of your energy levels and Circadian Rhythm, which allows you to reserve your most important tasks for the times of day when you are at your sharpest. Sometimes all you need is a few minutes.
Commit to Full Focus. One of the most important strategies is that when you do decide to work on a task, you give it your 100% attention. Avoid the myth of multitasking. Even if your task takes only 10 minutes, give it your full attention.
I like to think of a magnifying glass and the sun. Consider this: The sun’s rays focusing through the magnifying glass can start a fire. What can focusing do for you?
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