The power of PLEASE

The power of PLEASE

Can we do a better job delivering an experience that exceeds our customer’s expectations?

Is true customer care lost to a bygone era? Can we reinstate the desire to go above and beyond and help people feel more important because it’s the right thing to do?

When I grew up, like most of you, it was instilled that I always said please and thank you. When did we lose that desire to show appreciation for what others do? There is tremendous power in the word PLEASE.

P – Positive Approach / Our attitude at the beginning of any customer interaction is the first impression they have and lays the foundation for a positive experience.

Initiate conversations that clearly communicate your willingness to connect and empathize with our customers. – “We are here to help.”

L – Listen / Active listening requires focus and an open mind.

Show you care by shutting out distractions that compete for your attention. Gather information; what does the person really need? Where is their stress coming from and how can we help? – “They are all that matters at this moment.”

E – Empathize / Everyone wants to be understood.

Imagine yourself in the other person’s situation and withhold judgment. Be willing to invest and create a relationship. – “I can understand how you must be feeling.”

A – Ask / Asking the right questions to discover what is important to the customer is more important than just telling them what we know.

Dig deep to understand what our customers need, what’s important to them, what they know, and how our value proposition can benefit them. Gather more information, seek to understand, and work towards a complete picture. – “I want to understand why this is important.”

S – Solve / Effective problem-solving builds relationships and loyalty.

Think creatively, show empathy, and connect with our customers to exceed expectations. – “I want to take this issue off your plate.”

E – Enthusiasm / How we end a conversation leaves a lasting impression.

We only get one shot to make a first impression. Show appreciation, exude positive energy, and offer ongoing support. Build confidence and trust: reassure the customers you care by inviting them back. – “If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to come back to me.”

P. L. E. A. S. E

Perception is Reality - It’s not how you view the relationship or the interaction, but how the other person does. Pay close attention to the reviews you receive to get a true sense of how you positively engage and affect your customers.


