Power Play - The Intersection of Indian Politics & Corporate

Power Play - The Intersection of Indian Politics & Corporate

Power Play

The Intersection of Indian Politics & Corporate

  1. Your Ideas are well supported by People until you are not implementing them. "Best Ideas comes from people who complains of not getting opportunity or they didn't get support when they had opportunity."
  2. What ever best you do is good but you will be remembered for what you didn't do? Its an irony but its true for both politics & corporate.
  3. Your Juniors will adore your leadership & will respect you but also will respect the next person on your position. "Its not you that is respected its your position."
  4. Most amount of energy & focus will be provided to society or individual who complains the most. "No Complaints No Benefits."
  5. Policy Makers & Implementors are extremely occupied to reply to each negative comment. Hence; they might appear distant & unemotional. "No Gossip No Care."
  6. Only 1 % who gave an effort to know you; will be you allies after you exit your chair. Befriend them for longevity & help them grow.
  7. If you don't take bold steps you are coward but if you do take bold steps you are authoritarian. "Always be prepared for scrutiny & judgement."
  8. "Successful Politicians & Corporate Leaders keep their ears to the ground." Always hear the Vibrations & Prepare for Preemptive actions.
  9. Citizens/Employees will forget your big one time actions but will remember small actions impacting daily lives. "Always focus on how to resolve common issues impacting larger audience."
  10. Most Important "Learnt to Walk Away after You have done your Part."

#Corporatelife #Actions #Politics


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