The Power Platform Revolution in Nonprofits.
Non-profits are under ongoing pressure to deliver more with fewer resources, find innovative methods to reduce expenses, or boost employee productivity and efficiency. But since many corporate operations are still carried out manually, achieving that becomes difficult. Additionally, there aren't many ready-made solutions that can address your particular requirements, and when there are, they sometimes result in segregated systems or processes that are incompatible with your platforms or governance models. Therefore, in order to improve service delivery while reducing costs, not-for-profits must take into account workflow and process automation using the instruments already in place.?
The platform revolution is significant and expanding. Traditional business procedures are changing. An organization designs and manufactures a good or service before selling it to the client. This is known as the pipeline model of business. The customers are located at the other end of the pipeline from the producers.?
We shall highlight some of the following subjects under this article.?
Power Platform?
The #Microsoft #PowerPlatform is ideally suited to offering effective, cheap app solutions to charitable organizations.?
The three tools that make up the Power Platform are #PowerAutomate (formerly known as Microsoft Flow), #PowerBI, and #PowerApps. Microsoft wanted to give businesses the tools to rapidly and simply create custom apps and manage their data without the need for highly skilled developers while creating the Power Platform. Although Power Automate, Power BI, and Power Apps can all be used alone, their combined power is unmatched. Custom app and data management solutions can be provided by the Power Platform to businesses like LifeWorks for a fraction of the price of custom software development.?
The Power Platform was developed by Microsoft using the safe, #AzureCloud-based Common Data Services for Apps (CDS). The apps created with the Power Platform can smoothly interface with both Microsoft programs like #Dynamics365 CRM and third-party apps thanks to the streamlined data schema offered by CDS.?
Power Platform Revolution?
Platform Revolution explains how to spot prime markets and monetize networks as it shows newcomers how to launch and manage a successful platform business. The writers, who are addressing current business leaders, expose the business models of some of the newest platforms, such Tinder and Skill Share, and explain how established businesses can adjust to a shifting market. While examining industries that may be primed for a platform revolution, such as healthcare, education, and energy, the authors also address crucial challenges relating to security, regulation, and customer trust.?
Businesses who are better at utilizing the platform's capabilities will succeed as digital networks become more common place. Platform Revolution is a crucial book that shows how platforms will have a wonderful future while also showing how millions of people's lives and livelihoods will be permanently changed. Over the previous two decades, platforms have drastically changed the economy, but more changes are still to come. The first thorough framework for platform strategy and for identifying the winners and losers of upcoming disruptions is provided by Platform Revolution.?
How the Power Platform Empowers Nonprofits?
Simply said, the Power Platform enables businesses to implement the solutions they require on any budget. The best part is that Power Platform apps can be developed around current software systems, eliminating the need to transfer CRM solutions or software platforms.?
How has Power Apps and Power Automate made an impact on the not-for-profit industry?
We focus on five actual use cases to demonstrate how valuable they are for not-for-profit organizations in better serving their constituents:?
1) Automate the steps to onboard and offboard volunteers- Without volunteers, a not-for-profit would struggle to fulfill its objective. Volunteers are an essential component of a not-for-profit's operations. Access to your not-for-profit's systems must be timely and secure as a result.?
You can manually enter the volunteer's information using Power Apps and Power Automate, or you can link to a CRM solution to execute mass onboarding and offboarding of volunteers. Since the app is cloud-based, your volunteer manager may safely grant access while working from home without having to establish a VPN connection.?
?2) Simplify shift requests- How do you ask for assistance from your network of volunteers or contract workers? Consider organizing job assignments by spending ten hours creating a shift request using a succession of mobile SMS groups. Would dealing with such a monotonous, time-consuming chore not be extremely annoying when you would rather use that time to make a greater impact on your mission? What if it just took a week to create and set up a straightforward app that could be used in Microsoft Teams to gather the details of shift requests? Using Power Apps in their current #Microsoft365 subscription, that's exactly what we achieved for ATSICHS Brisbane. Their shift requests can now be fulfilled in minutes rather than hours thanks to Power Apps! The return on investment was significant, with around 1,000 shift requests made in just the first six months alone, and 10 shift requests every day for the following year.?
3) Streamline grant management- Grant management is a normal aspect of your business operations as a not-for-profit. However, managing the grant award and use process, as well as overseeing grant distribution to grant closeout after awards, can be a challenging task. Grant management may be as simple as filling out forms and clicking buttons with Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate. You can create numerous funding pools where a number of different organizations from different nations contribute money in their home currencies. To guarantee that money is only spent on initiatives that have been approved and bring value, each grant can have its own approval process, and you can monitor the performance of the project using the data supplied by the app.?
4) Automate helpdesk ticket routing- For internal helpdesk support, large not-for-profits collaborate with a number of companies. This frequently necessitates the use of numerous third-party platforms to submit helpdesk issues, which can take time to evaluate and route to the appropriate vendor for IT support. By employing logic to send the support request to the appropriate vendor support team automatically, Power Apps and Power Automate can speed up the triage procedure. By automating this process, you may handle your staff members' inquiries faster and more efficiently while using fewer resources from your IT team.?
5) File and approve expenses on the go- Keeping track of every transaction and storing receipts on paper is difficult when managing expenses. By using pre-made but customizable templates in Power Apps, you may speed up this process by creating a mobile cost monitoring app. You can submit an expense claim using the cost tracker on your smartphone, snap a photo of your expense receipt, and notify the approver of your claim. An automated workflow that is operating at the backend enables the approver to evaluate and approve the expense. The expense tracker can be linked to your ERP or #SharePoint for additional processing.?
Both the business and IT departments are eager to start the "revolution" and get up and running immediately with the promise of delivering rapid time to value with straightforward and reliable applications. This is why Power Platform's low-code, low-cost, and flexible platform approach holds such appeal. The time has come for corporate thought leaders and analysts from the world's IT departments to seize the initiative and exhibit new degrees of creativity to address business issues, create new efficiencies, handle data complexity, and spur innovation with Microsoft Power Platform.?