The Power (and Pitfalls) of Intuitive Decision-Making
Meir Amarin
Managing Director at GlobalStart | AI & Innovation Expert | Strategic Advisor | Growth Mentor | Data Scientist | LinkedIn Influencer
We love the idea of intuition. The sharp gut feeling, the split-second insight that cuts through complexity like a hot knife through butter. Some of the greatest business moves in history were made on instinct - bold, irrational, and yet, absolutely right.
But let’s be honest. Intuition isn’t magic. It’s not a superpower. It’s a tool. And like any tool, it can either sharpen your decisions or lead you straight into disaster.
So, how do you know when to trust your gut - and when to put it on mute?
Understanding Intuition: Experience or Bias?
Intuition isn’t some mystical force; it’s your brain recognizing patterns faster than your conscious mind can process. It’s the result of experience, knowledge, and exposure - sometimes accumulated over years, sometimes in milliseconds.
But here’s the catch: intuition is only as good as the data it’s built on. If your experiences are rich, diverse, and based on reality, your intuition can be razor-sharp. If they’re limited, outdated, or biased - your gut feeling might be nothing more than a bad habit in disguise.
How to Strengthen Your Intuition
When NOT to Trust Your Intuition
The Sweet Spot: Intuition + Analysis
The best decision-makers don’t reject intuition, nor do they blindly follow it. They use it as a starting point - then pressure-test it. Think of intuition as a powerful compass, but one that still needs a map.
So, next time you get a strong gut feeling, don’t ignore it - but don’t obey it blindly either. Instead, ask:
? Is this coming from deep experience or just a knee-jerk reaction?
? What patterns am I recognizing here?
? Can I explain this intuition logically?
Master this balance, and you’ll unlock a decision-making edge that feels almost like a superpower - except it’s not magic. It’s just skill.
What about you? Have you ever trusted your gut and regretted it? Or ignored it and wished you hadn’t? Let’s talk in the comments.
Founder & Managing Partner, FiftyPoints Venture Capital | VC Investor I Intutive Investing Expert| Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker | Author
5 小时前Great insight! Intuition itself is never erroneous—rather, the key lies in distinguishing between emotional impulses and true intuitive insights. To fully harness intuitive perception, one must recognize the two core faculties within: the seat of reasoning, where errors in judgment often arise, and the seat of intuition, which remains free of error. What sets exceptional decision-makers apart is their ability to accurately interpret intuitive perceptions—a skill that develops through self-awareness and deliberate training over time.
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We love this perspective!
The idea of ‘slow intuition’ really resonates.