The Power of Perspective

The Power of Perspective

What separates the greats from those whom history has forgotten?

Their perspective.


What is perspective?

Webster’s Dictionary describes perspective as being “a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.”


Your perspective is your attitude toward something. It’s the way you see things. John Maxwell always says that “your attitude will always determine your altitude” so by changing from a negative to a positive attitude you can change the trajectory of your life. You can soar to new altitudes. Napoleon Hill, world renowned author of “Think and Grow Rich” and one of the founding fathers or modern personal development and self help authored a book titled “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude” where he discusses how all lasting success begins with a PMA (positive mental attitude).

We are all born with a perspective. It’s our own unique take on things and it is molded and shaped as we grow. At first it is shaped by our parents but as we grow older we begin to shape it ourselves. Our perspective is liken to a garden; It will produce a good harvest if we water it properly and allow it sunshine and plant seeds of success and positivity in it and keep the weeds out, but it can just as well produce bad fruit or no fruit at all if we don’t water it properly or allow it sunshine and if we permit the weeds to overtake it.

What is the biggest difference between the mightiest king in the world and the lowliest beggar?


His perspective.


How can you shape your perspective so that you live like a kind and are more happy, fulfilled, and satisfied?

Below I have listed a few simple Perspective Shifts that have changed my world and hopefully will change yours too.  


1.  From Obstacles to Opportunities


How do you view obstacles?

How you view obstacles determines how you view success. Inky Johnson, famous ex Tennessee Volunteer turned motivational speaker/philanthropist says that “How you view what you do will always determine how you do what you do”.

Obstacles are opportunities for growth. They are opportunities to get better at the things that impede on our success. They give us the chance to rise up and overcome. Today’s adversity is designed to teach you to overcome tomorrow’s adversity, and trust me, tomorrow it isn’t going to get easier!

Your perspective on the thing that is standing between you and your dreams is what will determine whether you reach those dreams or not. Will it stop you? Will you let the obstacles keep you from your destiny?

There will always be obstacles on your path to success in any endeavor. How you respond to those obstacles will determine how far you climb on the latter that is life. Hill once said that “every adversity carries in it the seed for an equal or greater opportunity.”

Your next sale is just one phone call away. The end of the race is around the next bend in the road. Your abs are just a few crunches away. That promotion will come once you can handle your current boss’s management style and still perform.

Ryan Holiday in the book “The Obstacle is the Way” notes about obstacles that “Whatever we face, we have a choice: Will we be blocked by obstacles, or will we advance through and over them?”

What obstacles are standing in your way? What are you going to do to turn them into opportunities?


2.  Spending vs. Investing

Time = Life

“Where you invest your time is where you invest your life” -Mumford and Sons

Time is the great equalizer. We all have the same amount of time in our billfolds each day, it’s up to us on whether we are going to spend that time or invest it. 

By changing my perspective on how I use my time I am able to squeeze more out of each day, value my time I have with others and in situations (good or bad) more as I know they are only temporary, and steward my hours to achieve the maximum return based on my values and what I want to accomplish.

Time is a precious resource. It can be measured and counted and has had a lasting effect on everyone who’s ever experienced any of it. Time flies, but the good news is that you’re the pilot!

Shifting from spending time to investing it has changed how I view both positive situations and seemingly negative ones. The positive ones are seen as an obvious investment into my future happiness and satisfaction and the negative ones are seen as preparation for future negative ones. A smooth sea never made for a skilled sailor. 

A man who sees his father only twice a year found out that his father was terminally ill and would only live another 5 years. This meant that he only had 10 more times to see his dad. He took this opportunity to really make the most of every visit because he knew his time was limited. 

All of us are living on borrowed time. If you knew you wouldn’t have tomorrow, would you squander today? On the other hand, if you knew you would live another 60 years would you spend so much time worrying about your life insurance?

“The man who chooses to waste one hour of his time has not discovered the value of his life” -Charles Darwin

Money = Quality of Life

How do you view your dollar bills?

Do you spend money or do you invest it?

Making the perspective shift from spending to investing has helped me understand the power of the dollar bill and the influence of how I spend it. Every dollar that moves through your wallet is a vote that you get to cast and your votes determine where you are going to be 1, 5, 10, and even 50 years down the road from today.

Dr. Wayne Dyer so famously remarked “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.

By changing the way I looked at the dollar and looking at each dollar as an investment vs. an expenditure helped me will develop an investment mentality. Investors look for where their dollars will generate the greatest return.

That cheeseburger? That’s an investment into your health.

Your Netflix account? That’s an investment into your leisure.

A few dollars in your savings? That’s an investment for your future.

Funding your enterprise? That’s an investment into your asset.

You see, you can either spend your money or you can invest it into things that will generate a return for you later on down the road. The truth is that every dollar we spend is an investment. Whether or not those are good investments is subjective, but the fact of the matter is that the affluent are investors and are wise with where they put their money. The affluent, when asked how they became affluent in a case study performed by the authors of Millionaire Next Door said that they became that way because they trained themselves to emulate these three characteristics: frugality, frugality, frugality.

The don’t invest all their money into Hulu and Wendy’s and night’s out on the town, they invest into what matters most and save the rest. 

Invest and save the rest. Catchy, eh?

What kind of investor are you?


3.  From Finite to Infinite

Last but not least, a perspective shift that helped me go from ordinary to extraordinary was looking at things through a proper perspective of “Is this finite or infinite?”. 

Is this situation final? Am I playing a game that I can win, or is there only progression to be made? What are the long term effects of this situation vs. the feelings I have right now?

Take a game of chess, for instance. You make a wrong move in a chess match and you get checkmated. Game over. Chess; therefore, is a finite game. There are winners and losers and it has a beginning, middle, and end. 

Now consider your marriage. You forget to take out the trash after you had promised twice already that you would. Your wife takes it out for you. She is upset more so that you lied than that you didn’t take out the trash. She’s hurt. She loses a little faith in you for not following through with what you say. It isn’t over. Whether she remembers the trash incident or not two weeks down the road, she has been affected by your inconsistency and it affects her trust but your marriage isn’t over. Marriage; therefore, is infinite. 

Now consider this:

I just failed an exam - I must not get the materials or the subject matter. This may not be for me. I will have my parents talk to the dean to see if I can get transferred into a more fitting class. Short term perspective 

I just failed an exam - but the class is far from over and I can study hard and pull out with a B. Long term perspective. 

The student who sticks it out, learns from their mistake, and overcomes will be much more successful in the long run than the student who is transferred out of the class and into a more “fitting” one. 

 By looking at the bigger picture and keeping a proper perspective one can take any situation and look at it more objectively. They are able to take emotion out of the equation. 

 When you are in an insurmountable situation and feel like giving up, think to yourself “Is this really the end?”. When you come across a closed road on your trip across the country, do you just cancel your trip? No, you find a way around. When it takes you longer to achieve a goal should you just give up? No, reset the goal and keep going. There is nothing that can’t be overcome. There is nothing you can’t accomplish. You can do all things. 

The famous words passed down through the ages from the wisest to ever live that can help anyone handle any situation no matter the extremity are as follows:

“This Too Shall Pass”

So whether its Covid19 and you were just furloughed or you just lost a loved one, keep perspective and know that it isn't’t over. You were made for this. This game called life is infinite.

“The smallest change in perspective can change a life. What tiny attitude adjustment might turn your world around?” -Oprah Winfrey

What little change in perspective can you change that will lead you to living a life of success, happiness, and achievement?


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