The Power of Personal Branding: An Unexpected Call That Changed My Perspective

The Power of Personal Branding: An Unexpected Call That Changed My Perspective

A month ago, I received an unexpected call from an elderly gentleman who had found a lost wallet. The reason he contacted me is surprising: my business card was the only contact in the wallet. The person had their documents but had not left any email or phone number.

This experience led me to two important reflections.

My Business Card

First Reflection: Business Cards Still Work

We live in a digital age where many interactions are done through smartphones, emails, and social media. However, this experience reminded me that, even with all this technology, business cards still have a special and functional place in our lives.

The Tangible Value of Business Cards

A business card is a physical object that someone can hold, keep in their wallet, or leave on their desk. It is a tangible representation of our professional identity. In a networking event, for example, a business card can be the difference between being remembered or forgotten.

Ease of Contact

Having a business card in your wallet can save you in unexpected situations like the one I experienced. When we are without battery on our phone or without immediate access to a digital device, a business card can quickly provide all the necessary contact information.

Professionalism and Credibility

Handing out a business card conveys professionalism. It shows that you are prepared and take your career seriously. Additionally, a well-designed card can reinforce the image of your personal brand, leaving a lasting impression.

Second Reflection: The Importance of Personal Branding

In the past two years, I have actively invested in building my personal brand. And I can confidently say that the results have been surprising.

Building Self-Confidence

Working on personal branding is a process of self-discovery. By identifying and articulating my strengths, values, and mission, I gained a deeper understanding of who I am and what I can offer. This increased my self-confidence, both in personal and professional environments.

Effective Presentation

Developing a personal brand also taught me to present myself more effectively. I learned to communicate my skills and achievements clearly and impactfully, both in job interviews and public presentations. This enhanced communication ability has been crucial in opening new opportunities.

Controlling Perception

Working on personal branding allows us to shape how others see us. Instead of letting others create assumptions about who we are, we can direct the narrative, highlighting our achievements and the value we bring. This is essential in a world where first impressions can determine success or failure.

Unexpected Benefits

Since I started focusing on my personal brand, I have experienced a range of benefits:

  • Recognition and Visibility: My online presence has significantly increased. I have been invited to speak at events, collaborate on projects, and even write articles for renowned publications.
  • Professional Opportunities: I have received job offers and invitations to participate in initiatives that I never imagined possible.
  • Strengthened Networks: I have established valuable connections with professionals in my field who have supported me and offered valuable insights.

A Challenging but Necessary Path

Of course, building a personal brand is not easy. It requires dedication, patience, and a well-defined strategy. It is a continuous process of learning and adaptation. However, the rewards are invaluable. Building a strong personal brand not only opens doors but also provides a sense of achievement and purpose.


This unexpected call reinforced for me the importance some actions, as investing in building a strong personal brand and build networking. Both can open doors and create connections that you never imagined possible.

If you haven't started working on your personal brand yet, or if you think business cards are a thing of the past, think twice. These tools can be the differentiators that will help you achieve your goals and stand out in the market.

Questions for Reflection:

  • How is your personal brand? Evaluate where you are and where you want to be.
  • What steps can you take today to improve your personal brand? Identify practical actions that can make a difference.

Working on your personal brand can be challenging, but the long-term benefits are immeasurable. Dedicate yourself to this journey and see how it can transform your professional and personal life.

About the Author

I am Milena Barbosa , a Personal Branding Specialist. I help professionals achieve successful careers abroad by offering personal brand development and career strategy services. Schedule a call with me here. aqui.

If you enjoyed this article and are interested, I also offer LinkedIn branding consultancy.

Want to chat? Send me a direct message.

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