Power of the Persona
Dave Howell, MS
I manage outcomes through comprehensive change management leading to research, program development and project delivery. I manage the delivery cycle to ensure innovation for business and customers.
As a consultant I get a chance to work with many companies ranging from small to very large. In my experience, no one, I repeat no one has done a good job On and Off Boarding employees or contractors. In this short article I will attempt to explain how to improve the processes using my own experiences. I will leave out company names as this fact is of little value to those who are willing to improve the process.
My On Boarding has ranged from a 2-week indoctrination course to a hap hazard multi-week process. From these experiences I can tell you at the 10,000-foot level – On Boarding should be an automated, seamless process allowing the new hire to effortlessly acclimate to the new role. My Off Boarding has consisted of a formal HR visit to nothing at all. Off Boarding should be automated and a concise effort to improve company retention and limit risk, allowing the employee or contractor to exit with dignity and respect. ?
If you agree then let me tell you a few things that might assist you frame the improvement process:
1.???? Improve On Boarding
GOAL: On Boarding should be an automated, seamless process allowing the new employee or contractor to effortlessly acclimate to the new role as soon as practical:
A.???? Begin On Boarding before the new hire starts on Day 1.
·?????? HR and the hiring department work together to notify finance, HR, security and IT with requirements to fulfil a Day 1 On Boarding.
·?????? The new hire should receive an HR package, complete with all disclosures and procedures, and should require this to be signed prior to Day 1.
·?????? IT should send the new hire the passwords for the applications used in the new hire’s role.
·?????? The computer desktop should be imaged for the role of the new hire.
·?????? All equipment should be staged and set up. E.g., a new phone and email should already be set up prior to the new hire start on Day 1.
B.???? If possible, integrate IT, security, HR and the hiring department before Day 1.
·?????? Integration typically looks like HRIS integrated with MS Active Directory, Issue Management application and security applications so that all equipment and passwords are in possession of the new hire on Day 1 and they are appropriate for physical access based on thier Day 1 role.
·??????HR should provide the guidance and links for benefits such as health and retirement plans.
C.???? Once the new hire starts, assign a mentor to guide them through the unknowns.
·?????? A Mentor should possess sufficient company knowledge to resolve the new hire's problems by directing them to the correct person. Additionally, the Mentor should shadow the new hire to ensure an issue free Day 1. The Mentor then should make themselves available to the new hire for a couple of weeks in case issues arise.
·?????? The equipment and procedures should be available to the new hire on Day 1 and the Mentor can help ensure everything works as advertised.
2.???? Improve Off Boarding
GOAL: Off Boarding should be automated and a concise effort to improve company retention, limit company risk, and ensure brand damage can be avoided. In addition,Off Boarding should allow the employee or contractor to exit with dignity and respect. ?
A.???? Generally, there are 2 types of employee or contractor departures; 2-week notice and no-notice. First, let’s deal with the 2-week notice by the employee or contractor.
·?????? The employee or contractor should be immediately contacted by HR once notified to set a date and time for a “debrief” and out process.
??????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.???? The HR debrief should focus on anything that the company could do in the future to retain the best employees or contractors, address COBRA and any other issues like confidentiality.
·?????? HR should identify the items that will be required to “out process” in order to receive any compensation due based upon a known last day and let the employee or contractor know prior to the scheduled-out brief.
??????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.???? All company equipment should be surrendered to HR at this meeting with a checklist of items and the verification that HR has received them. Give a copy to the employee or contractor.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ii.???? HR should notify IT to remove the employee or contractor from all network access rights.
???????????????????????????????????????????????? iii.???? HR should notify security that the badge has been secured and remove all physical access rights.
???????????????????????????????????????????????? iv.???? In case there is work pending HR should coordinate with the work department to ensure there is a clear understanding of what constitutes completed or backlog items.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? v.???? HR should notify the employee’s or contractor’s department that HR has completed the out brief, and any feedback will be sent to the senior leader for dissemination as they deem fit.
B.???? The other type of departure is No Notice and also has 2 categories, “For Cause” which means the company is taking adverse action against the terminating employee or contractor, and “No Notice” where the employee or contractor notifies the company by email, phone or letter without any notice that they have self-terminated.
·?????? The employee or contractor For Cause action may involve legalities and many companies have a 2-person policy in this final termination. This assumes they get a chance to sit down prior to an employee or contractor being escorted from the work place.
·?????? The For Cause action may involve the employee or contractor accepting dispensation in lieu of legal action.
·?????? For Cause actions may also include a formal letter detailing the reasons for termination which will be deemed as leveraging the companys legal position.
·?????? HR should take notes and collect all documents and distribute accordingly.
·?????? HR should collect the work items in possession of the employee or contractor as soon as practical and make arrangements to withhold any monies pending surrender of company equipment and access.
·?????? HR should coordinate with the department manager, IT and security to remove all access immediately.
C.???? The No Notice termination is self-explanatory because the employee did not want to prolong or couldn’t prolong their employment.
·?????? In these instances, HR should immediately contact security, IT and the work department to loop everyone in to ensure denial of access.
·?????? HR should contact the past employee or contractor if any equipment, access badges or anything else is due with written notice that final pay will be withheld until the employee or contractor can satisfy property and access submission to the company.
·?????? HR should confirm in writing the departed employee or contractor has a good mailing address, email or phone number so that the company may contact the departed employee or contractor for final payment.
In summation, the employee or contractor’s Persona should drive the integration of systems and automation to improve the On Boarding and Off Boarding of employees or contractors. These actions will reflect well on the company’s brand and thus; enhance the reputation in the community and among recruiting firms who may supply new hires. For more information see Forbes article "14 Essential Steps For Effective And Efficient Onboarding", and Forrester’s "Best Practices For Securely Offboarding Employees".
The time, effort and expense will go a long way towards a healthy work culture and hopefully keep retention at 90% or greater.
For more information on employee retention strategies contact the author, Dave Howell, 210-618-6566 or [email protected].