I appreciate my 2016 engagements with you, praying together, some of those whom we met and shared together, those who invited me to speak in the various occasions like Moi University, Anestar Lanet Boys, Shunem Girls, Anestar Precious girls, PCEA Nairobi North Presbytery, Inooro Tv, Special Education Professionals(SEP), Heritage Group, Busara Investment Group(BIG), Deliverance Church UpperHill in Nakuru County, Redeemed Gospel Church Kigumo in Kirinyaga County, Infinity Youth Group in Kitengela, GSU R Coy, St John Ambulance(Training of Trainers session), Hipora group, and many more. I can't take it for granted and my wish is that you may live a purpose driven life and achieve greatness in all organs of personal wellness.

Friend, let us reason together. As a child of the Most High God, you are equipped to handle anything that comes your way. To claim your destiny, start thinking about yourself the way God does and delete the thoughts that tear down your confidence. Your mind has incredible power over your success or failure. Your perception of yourself determines your possession. When you train yourself to tune out the negativity and tune into your calling, you’ll begin to live the wonderful plans God has made for you. Am humbled to have been involved in motivation sessions, writing, and public speaking in various occasions and one thing that I never withhold from sharing is the power of the words of your mouth and perception.

How You Perceive ANY Situation Has A Reality On The Fact That An Outcome Will Manifest And Be Experienced As A Result.

How you perceive a situation, regardless of what that situation may consist of or which area of life it is, has a direct impact on the future results that you will inevitably experience as a result of that perception, or more specifically the emotions that are experienced as result of the perceptions that you hold.

How you see people is what you bring out of them. For example if you see a Matatu conductor as annoying you're going to always find and attract annoying Matatu conductors. If you view your  spouse a pain - you're always going to bring out the side in that person that is a pain towards you.

If you see your colleagues as jealous, competitive or vindictive then you're always going to bring out those qualities in them - because that's what you see in them and that is what you believe is their character.

Chances are when you look really closely, most people are not as mean and unkind as you think they are. They probably think that they're being very nice but since you only see the negative qualities in them - anything they do will be deemed negative. Once you've perceived them to be a certain way - there's nothing that they can do to change your mind.

The only way you will truly see the good in the other person is to focus on - and see their good qualities - then you'll actually see them displaying these qualities more often. Look for the good in someone and you will only attract good things.

Anything is possible as long as you look at it positively. Now if you were to look for ways for you to succeed, if you focused on succeeding, if you started to look at how you could do the things you want - then your subconscious mind will guide you to the people, situations and events that will help you achieve what you want. Now this may not happen overnight - but it will happen. And if your perception is that you can get things done and that there are ways for you to get things done then you will likely get what you want a lot sooner.

If you looked closely and honestly you would find that the way you see things is not always the way things really are. You're only seeing what you want to see - and if that's what you want to see - then you'll continue seeing things in a limiting way.

When you speak positive words, you breathe life over your circumstances. The words you speak magnify the situation positively or negatively.

Of course things haven't improved - but when you look at what is right you attract more good things to you. When you look at what is wrong - you attract more negative things into your life. I'm not asking you to ignore what is real - I'm simply suggesting that you take time to look at things a little differently and focus on some of the good things in your life.

The minute you change your perception from looking at only the negative things to looking at some of the positive things in your life you start developing the power of perception.When this happens you no longer dwell on what is wrong because you'll move into the next phase - which is to find solutions. Automatically your mind and subconscious mind will begin attracting solutions for you -- but this only happens when you see the positive things that are going on in your life and when you look for the good in other people.

I know some of you may have a number of challenges that you're facing - but once you change your perception - once you change the way you see the world you will begin to attract the situations, people and circumstances to help you accomplish your goals.

Isaiah 43:19 says, “Behold, I am doing a new thing! ...Do you not perceive it and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (AMP)

Can you perceive it? Are you making room for it in your mind, or have you already made up your mind not to expect anything new due to your present circumstances? God is interested in all your needs, desires, and even, your prosperity. In fact, Psalm 35:27 says that God delights in the prosperity of His people.

Proverbs18:21, The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

The fact is that you are a LIMITLESS and Infinite being existing in an Infinite and Limitless Universe with the ability to experience life in the way that YOU choose.

Discover the power of finding good in ANY situation. Develop the unshakable awareness that ALL things regardless of what they are or how they may APPEAR at the time, YOU are creating and that ALL happen for a "greater good"...a greater purpose.

God has created you as a super being in His own image and likeness to rule, subdue, have dominion and multiply and have put all things in place for you to ask, possess and take charge. God Has good intentions over your life.

Jeremiah29:11, For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Romans8:28, And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Your life is a sum total of the words you've spoken. What you say is what you get. In other words, what you confess you will possess.

Use your mouth as an instrument of life, not death. You are literally words away from your harvest; don't let negative speech short-circuit your breakthrough.

Your words set the tone of your life. If you don’t like the life you live today, begin to change what you are confessing.

Matthew 12:36, But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.

You have been provided with an incredible and inalienable gift of free will. You have been given the power to choose how you will utilize that gift without outside interference or judgment.

When you have successfully adopted and internalized this way of thinking and "perceiving", you will have discovered the key to attracting and experiencing a life far more fulfilling than you have ever previously experienced or "perceived" as being possible. You will have made one huge step forward in discovering how to consciously and purposefully begin designing and "consciously creating" the life that you desire, deserve, and were created to enjoy.


 Shout…I am blessed! I am healed! I am whole! I am complete in Christ. I am the head not the tail! I am an overcomer ! This is the lowest I will ever be! I am beautiful and wonderfully made! I will make it, YES I will! I can and I can and I can and I will! I am loved! My family is the best and will be the best! I am wealthy! I am priceless! I am bought with the blood of Jesus! I am the chosen of God! I am highly favored of the Lord! My future is bright! I am enjoying a great overflow! I am the best there is! I operate in the promise of God! My life will never be the same again, never never never will I ever be in this situation again because my God Has come to crown me, to beautify me, to reward me and to elevate me to where He want me to be! It is my time for a great overflow! Look at me now because you will have to testify and write a best selling motivational book of the person who was elevated by God in a magnificent way and that person is me ! Yes! I possess it in Jesus name!

Thank you for keeping in touch, for following me on the social media platform like twitter @AmbSteveMbugua , Facebook and LinkedIn. May God crown you, beautify you, complete you and elevate you. Remember whatever you confess you possess and it is the perception of yourself that determines your perception by others and your possession.



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