The Power of Patience
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
I invite you to read of Florence Chadwick. Then maybe listen to Jimmy Johnson on fatigue. Weariness and lack of vision can be powerful forces standing in our way. When we are "tired" of something and yet it is not done with us, we can be tempted to throw in the proverbial towel; at the most unfortunate of times. I do invite you to read and reflect on Florence Chadwick. When we are not fixed on the endgame, we can lose ourselves in the game. Enter, Patience.
Patience is a true strength of Character. And it is grounded in Purpose, of the best kind. Often simply seen as "biting our tongue" or "holding our breath", it is something so much more powerful. We are hopeful, expectantly so. Eyes on that prize. Feet on the ground. But, we do not rush. We are in the game, methodically moving forward. Through it all, we are gentle on ourselves, and others. We experience Grace under pressure. We know and understand the Serenity Prayer, comfortable with not being in control of everything and knowing that for which we do have control. We are present, fully. Looking forward, living present. Our eyes are on that prize but our feet are on that solid, middle ground of now. We know that to which we are truly committed. We are fully prepared to work on ourselves. We better understand Character in the face of our emotions. When those swords flash, we keep going.
I think in terms of my parents, now both passed onwards, who lived through ages of 4 and 5 to 20 and 21 respectively, unbeknownst to one another, amidst the Great Depression and World War II. 16 years of global uncertainty. Oh, and then within another 5 years, experienced their "country" of Newfoundland and Labrador enter into Canada. (Side notes... Dad grew up in a poor fishing family, but rich in love is my Understanding. Mom grew up amidst the Heart's Content Cable Station, where messages travelled from Europe to North America for 100 years; 1866-1965). But think about it. From 1929 through 1949... 20 years of true and global reset.
I wish one more conversation with each... to not only see them but ask how about how they walked through all of that. I know that they probably had two different experiences. But, still. And to ask the Syrians who have experienced utter war for years, how they walk this path. I am reminded that our Humanity is a well of strength (and we get to be the heroes in our own story), and yet we too often give in to our inhumanity out of weariness and fear. This is true individually and collectively. I say all of this because I am pondering Patience as strength.
Yeah, I am pondering Florence and Jimmy. I am pondering parents, and Syrians I have met. I am pondering my own stroke in 2015. I am pondering this global stroke of ours. I am pondering the weakness of rushing anything. I am pondering the Patience of Zeal. We see Zeal often as rushing, but I think not. I call Zeal the Virtue of the Hunt; and the proverbial and true Hunt in nature always requires Patience. I am pondering the strength of that Infinite Game that is Patience. In a world of fear and tantrums and struggling with Trust, I am ever more realizing the breath of life that is Patience. It is the steady breath of true Confidence. It does not know how we will get there, but it knows we will get there. It is noble. And, stands in the face of excessive fear, stress and worry. Impatience, on the other hand, is a weakness born of weariness and lack of Vision. It's anti-dote is the full on practice of the strength that is Patience.
So, what would true Hope and Faith look like for you now? What would not rushing look like for you? What would being gentler with yourself and others look like? What would absolute Acceptance of that which is out of your control look like? What would healthy humor and Grace look like in your life now? What would a genuine Confidence that things will work out look like in practice? What would living fully now, in the moment, look like? Ponder that. Ponder the behaviors and actions, the countenance and gate, of that. Get pungently clear on it. Ponder what Patience, full on and powerful looks like at home, school, work, business and community. For me, these two prayers come to heart and mind; and I will ponder.
O God!?Refresh and gladden my spirit.?Purify my heart.?Illumine my powers.?I lay all my affairs in Thy hand.?Thou art my Guide and my Refuge.?I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved; I will be a happy and joyful being.?O God!?I will no longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me.?I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life. O God!?Thou art more friend to me than I am to myself.?I dedicate myself to Thee, O Lord. --- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Whether facing the ongoing changes through and even " whenever after" Pandemic or the global challenges of these times or our own change and challenge at home, school, work, business and community... Patience is the power of the long game. I am in for the long game,
Peace, passion, purpose and prosperity...