Power of Passivity
In the end, leading a fulfilling life is all about controlling your emotions, both good and bad. One item in your toolbox is positive thinking, but you'll also need additional tools. Here are five methods for completely embracing both the amazing power of your mentality and the astounding power of positive thought.
Do you hold people accountable for your bad luck? Or do you try to find the answer within yourself? A crucial characteristic of successful people is having an internal locus of control, which is demonstrated when you accept responsibility for how you feel, think, and behave. This kind of thinking gives you a strong sense of self-belief and a can-do attitude that enables you to pick yourself up after failing and try again. Everything else in your life can start to fall into place from there.
Your body and brain both play a part in positive thinking. By putting pride in your appearance, you can regulate your physiology. Improve your posture to show those around you that you are feeling confident and powerful and are willing to listen to them. Quit nervous behaviours like twirling your hair or fidgeting. In order to use this approach, you must be aware of your own behaviour. If you see that you are going to slump or give in to a nervous tic, immediately stand up straight. A more upbeat mood will come naturally as you maintain a power position.
A vital component of the solution is to identify the other negativity trigger and stop it in its tracks in addition to adjusting your physiology. Your mindset determines what thoughts run through your head, how you feel about them, and how you respond to them. Poor mentality will make everything around you appear much worse.
Changing your vocabulary is one behaviour that is crucial to positive thinking. The words you use in conversation and in your own thoughts have a significant impact on how you feel. Studies have shown that using constructive self-talk enhances psychological states, aids in emotion regulation, and more. Your interactions with others have an impact on their responses to you, which again creates a feedback loop that can be advantageous or disadvantageous.
You must be aware of the words you are presently employing before you can choose new ones. Pay attention to the terms you choose to describe things in conversation, especially your own feelings. Are you truly "terrified" of giving that important work presentation, or are you merely a little anxious? Are you genuinely "angry" with your partner, or are you merely somewhat irritated by one of their poor habits? Your attitude will become more receptive to optimistic thinking when you limit your vocabulary and utilise less emotionally charged language.
Consider a person who has significantly influenced your life. It could be a close friend, a member of your family, or even someone you've never met, like a famous person, an athlete on the pitch, or a successful businessman. What principles does that person follow? Have their positive thought patterns enabled them to live amazing lives?
It's likely that they employ positive thinking to achieve their goals; you can do the same. Pull up a quote from someone you respect when you notice yourself developing negative habits and are having trouble shifting your perspective. Find out how to best embrace it after reading it. Even better, put it in writing and place it somewhere you'll see it frequently, like the fridge or the side of your computer screen.