The Power of Passion: 
Life & Business as an HSP

The Power of Passion: Life & Business as an HSP

What are you passionate about? What is your Big Dream? Do you even know?

Great results don’t come from being average. Great results are achieved when people with the right capabilities and a deep passion invest the energy and effort needed to succeed.

Passion is essential to your success. When you do what you love to do, you can go beyond success; you can make a real difference in people’s lives. With your passion, you can inspire others to find their dreams too. Your passion may not be what pays your bills, although it can be, but weaving it throughout your life can be critical to a holistic approach to your career and life balance.

The strength of our spirit is a key influencer on the choices we make about how to behave.”

Passion can drive you

Passion drives your ability to catch what Life throws in your direction. It’s this enthusiasm that pushes experiences up a notch. You feel alive in the moment. With senses focused there is instant connection with passion. And we Highly Sensitive People (HSP's) are very passionate people! We need to feel like we make a difference in the world, that we contribute in a positive way. Most of us feel like we have a mission or a calling here on earth and it is this mission that is fuelled by a passion that drives us to do great things and make a massive impact on the world.

Passions also transforms the way we focus. Our focus grows stronger and more resilient. When you balance the power of passionate focus with a foundation of patience, your timing gets better. That means you are more effective, more efficient and happier. Passion keeps you in-touch with inspiring personal power. Never giving up is than a ‘no brainer.’

Not sure if you are a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? Take my quiz and find out!

Passion fuels your success

People who are passionate and energized typically choose to behave in ways that enable success; they are proactive, resilient, and conscientious. Conversely, when people are drained they are more likely to behave in ways that undermine their own success. This especially is something that HSP's need to watch out for.

If you care about what you’re doing, it’s much easier to set and attain your goals. If you deeply love how it makes you feel, you’ll find yourself pursuing that feeling over and over again. Nevertheless, it isn’t just passion and devotion that foster success. Being successful takes hard work, determination and a persistent tenacity. In short: you’ve got to have grit. And if there is one thing we HSP's have in spades then it's grit!

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Take the time to discover your passion

While everybody can possess passion, not everyone takes the time to discover it. And that’s a shame. Passion is fuel for the will. Passion turns your have-to’s into want-to’s. What we accomplish in life is based less on what we want and more on how much we want it. The secret to willpower is what someone once called “wantpower”. People who want something enough usually find the willpower to achieve it. And being multipotentialites, meaning we HSP's have many things that interest us and that we are good at, wantpower is crucial to our success. Whatever we want, we can achieve.

You can’t help people become winners unless they want to win. Champions become champions from within, not from without. This also applies to you.

You are on a mission

When you find your passion it will be like a mission. It is something that you know that you were meant to do. It's your calling, the thing you have been put on this earth to do. When you are following passion, the ups and downs of life (or a business) will not get in your way as your passion is stronger than the challenges of your success or failure. This is one of the reasons you should follow your passion. It will guide you through the rough waters.

Successful people know that passion is energy. It is what drives people to succeed. Without passion towards what you are doing, you do not have a why. When you do not have a why, the how is hard to find. So start by getting really clear on your why.

Not really a quiz taker or want to find out if someone you know is Highly Sensitive? Download my Free Checklist!

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Spend time with other passionate people

If you have not yet found your passion, find people who have. This energy is contagious. If you spend time with passionate people, it is bound to rub off on you. You will soon see a positive change in your success.

As you spend time with passionate, successful people, success skills will start to manifest in your live too. Successful people understand that in order to achieve, they must love what they do. So find something that you love to do and you will be following your passion.

Passion is the fastest way to massive success.”

Benefits of bringing passion into your life & business

Bringing passion into your life and company will assist you in making better decisions and you will get more things done in less time. You'll also want to contribute more and that in turn will bring you back more. People will see your passion and they will believe in you, your products and your services. You will be trusted and supported by your customers and associates.

Once you have found your passion, you will want to cultivate it. When you start to turn up the heat on your passion, you are bringing more joy and with this you will accomplish success in life & business and you will accomplish more of your goals.

Are you having trouble getting clear on your passion? Maybe some limiting beliefs are in the way? Download my Free Ebook on How to Transform Your Limiting Beliefs.

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How helping other helps you too

Your passion can be fueled by helping others to achieve the success that they desire as well. And the thing that gives HSP's the most fulfillment is helping other people.

It has been said by the famous speaker, Zig Ziegler: “ If you help enough people get what they want, you will get EVERYTHING you want. “.

Your passion towards your life & business will also assist you in creating a great reputation, which will become invaluable in building a more successful business and creating that life for yourself that makes your heart sing.

First identify your passion and then take the steps to bring it into your life. With passion you can be the best at what you do, and through that you can achieve financial freedom. Once you become abundant, you will be able to assist the world in ways that will fulfill your purpose in life and bring to you all of the joy that life has to offer, rich in successful achievement for all that you do.

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5 ways to live more passionately

Here are five things to do to help you live passionately, no matter what the conditions or circumstances may be:

  1. Never identify with a setback. No matter how poor the results may be, you are infinite possibility. Identify with that.
  2. Never agree with a discouraging thought. Chase it out of your consciousness by reminding yourself that things aren't working out right simply because you're not thinking rightly. Now choose a thought that puts you back in command of things. One of my favorites is, "If it is to be it is up to me, and that requires flexibility."
  3. Don't dwell on disappointments. Instead of dwelling on how disappointed you feel because you didn't achieve your desire, look deeper into the failure and demand that it explain itself to you. How can you refine what you're doing so you can achieve better results? Learn from disappointments by asking more and more questions. Become a collector of fresh information.
  4. Put progress before pride. This will allow you to put your power of eager anticipation to work for you. Expose yourself to novel ways of doing things, even if it makes you feel awkward. Don't tolerate timidity.
  5. Dare to exaggerate. Use more energy than you think is needed, but apply it effectively. Be patient. Remind yourself daily that energy used for "course correction" guarantees that you're heading in the right direction.

Conflicting and unchecked emotions are prime enemies of passion. Adopt even a couple of the above ways of putting passion into your day, and you guarantee progress in any area that you want to succeed.

We HSP's are passionate people, we feel so much, we have a big heart and great empathy for others and helping others is what gives us the most joy. So get clear on your big dream, connect with your passion and then turn that passion into profit by creating a soulful, profitable business for yourself that allows you to customize your life to your wants and needs so you can finally live a life that gives you unbridled joy!

And if you don't want to be(come) an entrepreneur, then make sure you find a job that fuels your passion, so that you do what you love every day.

Need help with that? I offer a FREE Clarity Session. In that session we are going to get really clear on your passion and what the next logical step for you will be.

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Which of these 5 ways to live more passionately was a real eye opener to you? Share it with me in the COMMENTS, I'd love to hear from you!

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Thank you and have a great day!


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