The Power of Our Words
The Power of Words
Our words can soothe a troubled mind or keep someone awake all night.
Our words can heal hurt feelings or break a heart.
Our words can lift a spirit or sink a soul.
Our words can give wings to a dream or ground it forever. - Anonymous
SALT: Five Steps to Better Decision-Making?
1.?Stop!? Are you so caught up in the hairball of life that you rarely stop to reflect on where you are and what you need to change to improve your life?
2.?Ask the right questions from the right people.? Remember, the right people are those who tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear.
3.?Listen to their answers.? Don’t bother asking the questions if you are not willing to listen objectively to their answers, as it would be a waste of time and energy.? Capture their answers in writing - don’t rely on your memory.
4.?Think about the consequences.? Remember that you, and only you, are responsible for your life choices and the consequences of such.? By thinking about your choices before making decisions, you are more likely to respond (good!) than react (bad!).? When you act before thinking (ready, fire, aim!) you usually make poor decisions.
5.?Respond appropriately.? As you adhere to this four-step discipline, you will most often make good decisions that lead to a more fulfilling life, both personally and professionally.? An illustration: When you have a follow-up visit to your physician after taking a prescribed medication for a sickness or illness, you receive one of the following diagnoses: “You are reacting (bad news)” or “You are responding (good news).”? The previous four steps will help you to respond vs. react as you focus on making the right decisions for your life.??
A final thought on decision-making: Never make important decisions when you are tired or angry.