The Power of Our Thoughts

The Power of Our Thoughts

It may not seem like a big deal, but one small thought in the morning (or any time in the day) can change your whole day. The same goes for one small negative thought can change your whole day. ?


One of my favorite images to use when explaining how thoughts can quickly change the way we perceive a situation (the lens through which we are looking through) or evaluate ourselves is a SPIRAL. A spiral is a curve that develops from a central point and gets progressively farther from that point as it grows. One small positive thought can lead towards an UPWARD spiral resulting in CONFIDENCE and uplifting energy, while one small negative thought can lead towards a downward spiral resulting in self pity and defeated energy.?


Our thoughts also have a huge effect on our body. When we are filled with positive thoughts our body is more open, relaxed, and balanced. When we are filled with negative thoughts our body is more tight, closed off, and stuck. We are able to be more resilient and perform optimally when we are balanced and open.?


Here’s an example: when learning a new skill if we lead with curiosity, open mindedness and are excited for a new challenge, our mind will continue to approach learning that new skill in a positive way even when faced with some difficulties. However, if we tell ourselves we aren’t ready or can’t learn the new skill our mind will continue to find more reasons why we can’t, especially when faced with difficulties, until we finally close ourselves off. ?


The same theory can be used in all areas of our lives: our relationships with family and friends, our role within the office, our journey of self-love and acceptance. In fact, the more we use these tools in both our personal and professional lives the deeper our mental practice becomes and the stronger we will be in overcoming adversity, managing our stress, and maintaining a healthy self-confidence. ?


#Stress #StressManagement #Health #Wellness #Mindset #PositivePsychology #Wellbeing #PeakPerformance #PersonalDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #SelfConfidence #SelfTalk #Coaching #MentalHealth #MindBody


