The Power of New Dawn
I sit at breakfast like I do on many weekends in the morning and read the local newspaper. Outside it is grey in grey, winter is here and I am glad to be sitting in the warm. As so often at this time, I read about terrible things happening in the world, especially in Ukraine.
And I was struck by a report that I would like to share with you here.
A report about an unbelievable helping mentality. About selfless people who spare no danger to help others.
And about the concern of the helpers that now that winter is here, of all times when more help is needed than ever before, the willingness of many people to donate is flagging.
I have over 300 contacts here. And each of you has many more contacts.
Please do not slacken your willingness to support, to help the people who need it urgently.
Merry Christmas to you all
NEW DAWN ( one of the most powerful and far-reaching non-governmental organisations in the entire south-east of Ukraine.
Julia Pogrebnaya and Philipp Francke are the founding members of NEW DAWN and have been helping people in the south-east of the country since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.
What kind of help does New Dawn provide?
New Dawn now has two pillars to help displaced people on the one hand and people in the villages along the frontline on the other: A centre has been set up in Odessa where people who have lost everything come to receive initial care. Refugees who have returned from Germany also arrive here. The second pillar could be built up thanks to financial and advisory support from Johanniter. For this purpose, the organisation travels to various villages along the frontline in the regions of Odessa, Mykolaev and Kherson to provide those who have remained with the basic necessities of life.
NEW DAWN travels to villages that have been completely cut off from the outside world for months or have been bombed on a daily basis.
NEW DAWN eine der schlagkr?ftigsten und weitreichendsten Nichtregierungsorganisationen im gesamten Südosten der Ukraine.
Julia Pogrebnaya und Philipp Francke sind die Gründungsmitglieder von NEW DAWN und helfen seit Beginn des Kriegs in der Ukraine den Menschen im Süd-Osten des Landes.
Welche Hilfe leistet New Dawn?
New Dawn hat mittlerweile zwei Standbeine, um einerseits Vertriebenen und andererseits Menschen in den D?rfern entlang der Frontlinie zu helfen: In Odessa wurde ein Zentrum eingerichtet, in das Menschen kommen, die alles verloren haben und eine Erstversorgung erhalten. Hier kommen auch Flüchtlinge, die aus Deutschland zurückgekehrt sind, an. Das zweite Standbein konnte dank finanzieller und beratender Unterstützung durch die Johanniter aufbaut werden. Hierzu f?hrt die Organisation in die verschiedensten D?rfer entlang der Frontlinie in den Regionen Odessa, Mykolaev und Kherson, um Dagebliebenen mit dem Lebensnotwendigsten zu versorgen.
NEW DAWN f?hrt?in D?rfer, die teils seit Monaten komplett von der Au?enwelt abgeschnitten waren oder tagt?glich bombardiert worden.