That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
As we seem to inch closer and closer to what appears to be the end of the populist movement and the reinstitution of the globalist fiasco in America I am reminded, by the above portion of the Declaration of Independence of the United States, that all avenues of strategy and tactics have not been played out. What has to be recognized by the people is that even though this nation is a representative republic the ultimate power still lies in the hands of the people. We have never given it away.
There are certain factions of this government who increasingly think the powers lie within them. We have given the authority to these bodies to represent us whenever fair and honest elections are carried out. But underlying the fabric of this, our, nation is we the people are the ultimate authority. But we have allowed the three branches of our government to act in their own behalf instead of on behalf of the people. But we have never relinquished the ultimate authority of this nation to anyone. Regardless of what any government official, political appointee or government branch insists they do not have the authority to rule over the people. They can be relieved of any position at any time if they ever commit any action that is in opposition of our Constitution. Rules, laws, policies and procedures are only as valid as far as the will of the people decide they are fair, equitable and in the best interest of the citizenry.
During the Cold War the main focus was on the USSR as the major enemy of the United States, which at the time it was. It was also believed that because the communist party of China was depicted as an enemy to the USSR they could be assumed as an unfriendly ally to the United States. It was stated often that China was our friend because they were an enemy to the USSR. But in this case the enemy of our enemy was and is not our friend. During the time of the Cold War the CCP was building and expanding. Not stated their ultimate goal has been the eradication of the United States and worldwide domination.
But we were na?ve. We erroneously thought that if we were friendly towards the CCP they would come around to our way of thinking and promote democratic ideas to further their economy, culture, government and peoples. How wrong we were. It was during this period that factions of the United States promoted growth in China with the collusion and approval of the CCP. Manufacturing and jobs were transferred to China hurting economic growth in the United States and thereby crushing the workers of America. But the corporations and Wall Street were delighted because their bottom lines were increased through the use of slave labor. China became so brazen as to steal technological advances that were developed in the United States and the rest if the free world. The CCP sent students to attend our universities in order to infiltrate our culture and devise strategies to undermine our nation from within. The CCP has sent billions of dollars to our universities in order to gain control of our education system, which they have done so, successfully. Just look and listen to the students who are graduating from our colleges. They have been taught our nation is corrupt. Our nation is racist. Our founding documents are racist and must be destroyed. Our economy is the failure of all who are involved in it. They are taught that there must be an equal outcome for all rather than the system of equal opportunity for all.
Students who are sleepwalking through the university system are being taught that the government should solve all of our problems and therefore the government is the body that has all the power. But nothing is further from the truth. History is being destroyed so that any semblance of how this nation was formed and its intention is eradicated. Instead we are being inundated with a false history and false claims of injustice in order to further the effort to dismantle our society and produce a coup to annihilate this nation. In order to be successful this faction has to claim they have the power to do so.
The concept of power is subjective and many nations have used many strategies and tactics to obtain and maintain power. And power can be used in many ways, both for the good of the people and for evil. This is also subjective. It depends on which side you are on. Are you the oppressor or the oppressed? Power has been obtained by many factions throughout the history of mankind. The Chinese have been through countless changes of rulers each obtaining and using power to suit their individual needs. Stalin used coercion then murder to obtain and keep power. Hitler used a collapsing economy to obtain power then eradication of certain segments of their population and an extremely effective propaganda program to maintain this power. Mao used revolutions of many kinds, both physical war and then a cultural revolution which was a form of genocide to maintain the control of the still existing CCP.
The United States was formed by using the tactics of wresting power from their oppressors. But in this case the ultimate power was and still is given to the people. What we, as a people, are now facing is the infiltration by others, both without and within, to steal the power that was granted to us by our founding documents. We have witnessed the assault on our education system to turn the next generation against the intentions of this nation. This next generation is also being indoctrinated and propagandized by the major media corporations that have aligned themselves with the entities that wish to overthrow this nation for their own needs and goals. With the huge advances in communication technology our representatives have fallen behind in their learning of how these systems can and do work and what safeguards should have been put into place to prevent the worldwide campaign of censorship that is taking place to further the attempted coup.
Having completed the tactics of infiltrating the education, corporate, finance and political systems the CCP unleashed a virus onto the world stage and threatened all facets with any device they had in their power to lockdown a worldwide economy and societies so that they, the protagonists, could take their next step in their plan to dominate the world. It is evident that those in the United States who are partnered with this effort are complicit with implementing these strategies to destroy their economies to further the stages of this coup. The infiltration in the United States is evident with those governors who continually follow the dictums of the CCP through corruptive communications by those who are involved in the formation and unleashing of this virus. Having destroyed their own economies these governors are pleading with the heads of their corrupt party, the democrats, to put forth bills to fund their depleting state coffers. These efforts have been attempted but thwarted by the current administration as this will destroy the economies of the states that did not follow these lockdown procedures. It must be remembered that any monies that are sent to these corrupt states come out of taxpayer dollars and fiat monies which further drive this economy into collapse. Exactly the strategy the CCP had advanced.
There are signs that our government is starting to wake up. Systems have been in place by our founding fathers to prevent such a takeover in the election process. Systems were also put into place to block the efforts of rioters who wish to take over the people in their particular area. But these systems have to be utilized and adhered to. If the police are directed to stand down and not arrest any rioter, if prosecutors decide they are not going to prosecute those who disrupt, destroy and murder the citizenry if judges decide they can interpret laws rather than follow the intent of the law if all or any of these things take place because the governors, mayors, lawyers and others fear retaliation from those who are perpetrating the violence then we have a major breakdown of our system. If our highest courts, our branches of government, our system of law and order, our system of government is corrupted by illegal means then we have but one option left. That option is stated in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. We the people have the right and the duty to take this government. Not take back because it has always been ours. We have the right and the duty to abort those who wish to destroy us. There are those who say this is just another form of anarchy but I will beg to differ. We have a system of government already in place that has functioned and functioned well for some 240 years. We have the foundation already laid all we need are the people to be put into place who will adhere to those principles. We have had a revolution thrust upon us. We are waiting in the wings to see how this will play out. We know the executive branch has many legal cards left to play according to our Constitution and that is the saving grace as of right now. But in the meantime the people are banding together and communication any way they can in case that final step is necessary. There are 75 to 100 million people who have seen what has taken place and stand at the ready to enforce our Constitution. We will not fail. This nation is our God given right and we will fight to the death to keep it.
Ric Wells
Common Man