The Power Of Networks And Net Worth
Matthew Gillogly
Chief Mavrix-Mentor-Investor - To free 100,000 doctors worldwide from the tyranny of insurance based care by the end of 2033
Last week, we hosted our second Mastermind retreat of the year. To be a part of this group you are hand selected by my team.
It is not a random criteria. On the contrary, we choose the members of the group very carefully. Each one in this photo (and there are a few missing due to prior travel plans) brings something unique to the group.
Each one, also deals with their own doubts, insecurities and struggles. Which is why they are in the group. Everyone in this mastermind knows they need help. They are not afraid to ask for help. In fact, they readily seek answers to the questions they have.
Masterminds are about finding the WHO, not discovering the HOW something is done.
Masterminds, facilitate long term friendships, camaraderie and something more than profits and loss.
This week, our host Marc Pietropaoli, MD is a well know Orthopedic surgeon who has had enough of the insurance shell game. After 20 years he wants out and is getting out.
Dr. Pietropaoli is also an amazing gardener. On the first day, we went out to his 'farm' to see how nature works.
Then translate how it works in your business.
We talked about pruning. Why you need to prune to get the best fruit in your garden and what happens when you don't prune.
Then we applied this to their business. Where are the suckers, what needs to be pruned to get better fruit. Then how quickly to prune.
Those big smiles you see on everyones face? It is because they all decided to PRUNE something in their life and business.
They identified the things that are sucking energy from their big goal.
Then.. snip... it's gone.
What about you? What is sucking your time, energy and fruit in your business.
Prune it. The end result is better fruit.