Power Networking
Yes, you collect a lot of names and send emails but you may be forgetting the key networking component. If you are only reaching one level with one approach your market penetration may be failing in developing a downstream effect. Here is something I did back when I was actively marketing my companies development.
I looked around at all the best performers that I was already doing business with and I made myself choose just one from each industry as it impacted mine. Each one had no competitive interests and no preference one over the other. I had one lawyer, one plumber, one window washer, one locksmith, one fire system service provider, one lighting expert, one janitorial contractor, one roofer...you get it.
Now I have gone through enough meetings to last me 3 lifetimes so I made this one count. I rented a room at the Sheraton and invited them all for a full breakfast early before work telling them I would provide them with a tool that could literally make their businesses explode.
All but one out of the 25 invitees showed up on time. I stood up and thanked them for the great service they had provided and pointed out that none of them were in competition with anyone else at the table and they, by knowing and doing business with me, knew that I let only the very best enter the room. Each of them was in a position where they could share their most valuable asset...their customer mailing lists. I said ‘Call it your own Millionaires Club’. I asked each in turn to give a brief unprepared introduction. At the end of it they all exchanged business cards. It’s been over 10 years and I still hear from the attendees at that meeting and receive references as well. Each knows the others are vetted and the potential opportunity blossomed where many are now set for life.