The Power of Music upon the Soul
The power of music upon the soul of man is profound
We must never underestimate how music can lift us in difficult times.
I am in a storm. I am learning to focus on Jesus and not the storm. I am learning to dwell in the secret place of the Most High GOD. I am learning that there are times when there are no words, and there is no one to abide with us except GOD.
Music has helped me through.
Alone with Jesus
When all the prayer is finished, and there is only quiet, we can lean on GOD. Sometimes the only person to talk to is GOD. There is no one else who can fathom what we are trying to communicate.
And in that quiet time, it is (oddly perhaps) the best time to celebrate!
Choose to listen to music
It is a difficult time, when we are completely empty and there is nothing left to do. But we can — and must praise. Not must as a rule, but must as a healthy way to overcome the darker moments in life. Must in the sense that it is the way GOD has given us to overcome. Perhaps you cannot sing, but you can listen to singers. You can dance, even if it is little steps. The godly music lifts us.
We can choose our music wisely. The LORD will bring songs to our remembrance. Or at a particular moment in time, someone will send a piece of music. We use our discernment as to whether it is the right piece for this right time… But if the LORD is the LORD of your life, and your friends are wisely chosen, it probably will be:)
The music will carry you through. Listen over and over as needed. Yes, the same song for hours if necessary. The music can and will carry you through, not only to healing but to all the way to breakthrough.
Making room for GOD
Making room in the difficult times is a choice. I urge you: choose GOD.
When you make room for the Father, He will come to you. Though He will cut you, He heals you, and makes you a better person. “But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I come forth I will shine as gold.” Job 23:10
Character not personality
Remember: GOD is a God of refiner’s fire. He is a God of love and mercy, but he also chastens us, tests us, perfects us. When we struggle, many are quick to say, “I’m sorry you are going through this…” but they stop there. Better to finish by saying, “… but God knows, God sees, God is perfecting you for a good purpose.”
Here is a song to inspire, uplift, encourage you. Breathe in the air and fill your lungs with the breath of life that God has given you. Hallelujah! Even in the difficult times, we have a perfect Saviour who lifts us out of the darkness and into his marvellous light, for he is “the light of the world.” (John 8:12)
A list of titles: uplifting songs I have used in the storm
Because He Lives
Blessed Assurance
Battle Belongs to the Lord
I will run to You
Doxology Hymn
This is the Air I Breathe
Who is there like You
No Other Name
Jesus, We Celebrate Your Victory
LORD, Have Mercy
In Your Presence
Thank you LORD
These are the Days of Elijah
Whose Report do you Believe
Praise to the LORD