The Power of Music
Jennifer Oaten
An innovative leader who is passionate about ensuring girls reach their potential
While I would never describe myself as a particularly musical person, I have always had a deep appreciation of the power of music, from learning to play the recorder as a child to belting out Michael Jackson as a teenager and, more recently, Ed Sheeran ballads. One of my great regrets in life is that, other than the recorder, I have not learned a musical instrument. I would love to play the guitar or the saxophone. Many of our Sisters of Mercy also played an instrument and had beautiful voices, so music has been at the heart of the College since its foundations.
Music has long been an integral part of the childhood experience, from lullabies sung to babies in their cribs to songs sung around campfires and Christmas carols. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of music to people, whether listening, singing, or playing an instrument.
The students of Santa Maria College recently participated in Rock Ya Socks Off, an event that showcases their immense musical talent. The concert features student bands from Years 8 to 12 performing covers of popular songs to a live audience. The student bands bring their individual flair and style to the stage, creating an exhilarating atmosphere.
Beyond being just a night of entertainment, Rock Ya Socks Off offers Music students a valuable opportunity to refine their skills and gain experience performing in front of a crowd. This highlight of the music calendar serves as a celebration of the passion and talent of Santa Maria students.
Paul Kinsella, our Head of Music, says the benefits of learning music are very well documented. Students who study music develop self-discipline and resilience through practical studies and performance. They experience boosts in confidence and wellbeing through performance and sharing their musical gifts with and for others. At its core, music is an art form that has a powerful ability to affect us emotionally and put our minds at ease in times of stress or sadness or lift us up through the joy of song.
Ciara Smithies, our Music Captain, eloquently expressed her love for music, stating that it provides a channel for her creativity to flourish and helps her develop her self-confidence. Through music, she is able to explore her capabilities outside of academics and finds great joy and fulfilment in pursuing her passion.
Music has been shown to promote brain development by:
Music has been shown to promote academic achievement by:
Music has been shown to promote wellbeing by:
"I love music because it is an outlet for any stress I am feeling at the time and an opportunity to express myself through something I love, either music class, choir, music lessons or at home. Music class creates an environment where I can be comfortable in myself and form friendships with people who share similar passions to me."
Tessa, Year 12 O'Reilly
"I love music because it is a way to freely express myself and spend time with friends. Over the past year, I have started writing my own music and songs, it allows me to sing and play with an emotional connection to music in an original way."
Ashleigh, Year 12 de la Hoyde
Music has been shown to promote community by:
"I love music because I love playing the violin and hearing beautiful harmonies. Playing in the String Orchestra brings me the most joy because I love being in a group and I love the sound that all of us make together. The music community is extremely welcoming and kind, and I love everything about it. Music is a source of pride for me, and I just love it."
Vanessa, Year 12 O'Reilly
We firmly believe that music education can have a profound impact on brain development, academic achievement, building community and promoting positive wellbeing, which is why we are so passionate about providing an inclusive space where students can explore and express themselves through the magic of music. Our Music staff are dedicated to equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to reach their full potential – whether they are hoping to become professional musicians or simply using music as a way to enrich their lives.
Parents can be more confident than ever that an investment in music lessons or your daughter’s commitment to a choir, band or ensemble will deliver lifelong benefits for individuals of all ages. Music education is an invaluable and essential part of education for young people and is at the heart of our community. It is never too late to learn music, even for adults.
The construction of the Cultural Centre, which will be the new home for our Music program, will commence in August of this year. Our Music program is already amazing, but just imagine what we will be able to deliver once we have a purpose-built dedicated space. With the new facility, our Music program will have even more opportunities to explore and create.?