My name is Muhammad Mageswaran. I live in Kampung Baru Aulong, Taiping, Perak. I have done eleven (11) surgeries from May 2020 till today for both of my legs. First orthopedic done my right leg, and then again after one (1) week same place again.

I am staying alone. My mother passed away last year in November. She helps me a lot. And I never felt lonely before. I miss my mom.

After that my ankle and other parts of each leg had surgery a few months later. Because orthopedic operated on my right leg ankle, my right leg becomes crooked and extreme pain when I walk. So, my right leg has been useless since then.

My left leg was amputated because the gangrene is spreading very fast and is dangerous to my life. So orthopedic has saved my life and I am very thankful for them. But because of my amputation, my whole life became different and abnormal.

I have bacteria in my blood. I have had this condition since I was baby. Because of my diabetes my blood has become weak and I can’t fight gangrene. This condition is called Septicemia.

Septicemia is an infection that occurs when bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread. It can lead to sepsis, the body's reaction to the infection, which can cause organ damage and even death. Septicemia is more common in people who are hospitalized or have other medical conditions. Septicemia, sometimes called blood poisoning, is an infection that occurs when germs get into the bloodstream and spread. The germs are usually bacteria but also can be viruses or fungi. This is why I can’t work and live like normal people.

Because both leg is useless, I must move with my wheelchair, in future I can’t wear prosthetic leg because of right leg is crooked and extreme pain when stand and walk. So my whole life I will depend on my wheelchair.

I need to renovate my bathroom into OKU bathroom. Yes, it will take a huge amount of money. You must be wondering how I urine and shit. For urine I urine in my room using a petrol tong and wash after it became full. For shit I put my chair in the bathroom, and I sit half way of my ass, so that my asshole is outside the edge of the chair and I shit. My shit will fall on the ground and I will pick it up by hand and throw it in the toilet bowl and flush. YES, I use my hand to pick up my shit.

I need to renovate my room too because my room is too small for a wheelchair. Also, it will take a huge amount of money. I haven’t renovated anything yet because I have no money. Just hoping someone or God will help me.

Because of septicemia, I have to consume good and healthy food like protein, fruits and vegetables. As everybody knows this kind of food is quite expensive. I can’t afford it.

I am lucky because I get SOCSO Pencen Ilat (RM 1404.00) every month till I die. But this amount of money is very small because of the high price of food and dressing items. My electric bill is around RM 200, My Unifi bill is RM 185, Food is around RM 1000, My dressing things is RM 800, My phone bill is RM 38 and other bills. You know laa the price of things went up drastically. I spend more than I earn. My siblings and friends will help to reduce my burden. Or I eat instant noodle laa.

Even my monthly allowance (RM 300) from Pejabat Zakat Taiping was terminated because I never attend their interview, Pejabat Zakat Taiping said the interview is compulsory or my allowance will get terminated. I never attended because it was my mother's funeral on that day and I was very ill that time too. They asked me to come to their office, but Pejabat Zakat Taiping building is not OKU or wheelchair friendly. I told Pejabat Zakat Taiping about my condition or sent someone to my home to interview me. But Pejabat Zakat Taiping took an easy way out and terminated my allowance. I hope DYMM Sultan Perak and Menteri Besar Perak take action and monitor Pejabat Zakat Taiping.

I am not a negative person. I never think of suicide or giving up in my life. I am still living because of God have plans for me. I still have a bucket list, like doing my doctorate and writing books and articles. I want to live my life to the fullest. I also want to go to stage and motivate and teach people. I want to help children and our community. I still have lots of things to do… I believe I can…

I am asking for your support so I can live longer and help other people. You can donate RM 5, 10, 20, 100, 200 or any amount big or small that you can give. This money can help me and I can help others. You can bank in at RHB Bank account no 10708200196786 or Maybank account no 158051981637 both can use my name Muhammad Mageswaran.

Your generosity will go a long way for helping me an OKU. I appreciate all the help that was given to me and thank you in advance for anyone who is going to help me. ?


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