The Power of Motivation
Pedro Santos Martins
Entrepreneur - Business Executive - Innovation and Strategy Expert | Biotech and Tech ??
In a market that every day becomes a fruit of cultural evolution, a social and business model, it is also essential to adopt new models of people's management with the aim of retaining talent and inspiring a culture that persists and fits in .
It is now recognized that people are, in fact, the greatest assets of an organization. Everything else is an accessory!
Managing people imposes unique skills on managers. The typical skills of a manager such as organization, processes and the creation of Excel maps, are clearly insufficient with regard to people management and leadership. It is the emotional intelligence(EI) that's the true Swiss Army Knife for achieving goals in this area.
Before you start looking for workshops on people's management, NLP, etc., it is important to do a self-critical analysis and see firsthand if we can listen. There is nothing more important than listening and if we are not able to do it, we will hardly be able to manage people and retain talent.
Many people confuse hearing and listening, and there is a huge difference between the two. Hearing is an innate characteristic in healthy humans, and is only linked to the act of perceiving sounds. Listening is totally different! Listening is the ability to consciously understand, interpret and process sounds in a given context and this is one of the core skills most needed by today's leaders.
If we do not "listen" to people, how can we know what they really think and speak?
In an organization today, the environment is increasingly multicultural and this phenomenon brings a giant challenge to management. Managing people is a daily challenge, managing people with different social, cultural, economic and religious backgrounds ... makes things even more challenging. I would say that it is a full time job, listening to people and thinking about how we can extract their potential, guaranteeing their happiness.
In such a competitive market, happiness is one of the greatest arguments for people to stay in organizations and this can only be achieved with good salary, improved work conditions, flexibility, training and a strong path to a career growth. This is the true motivation of people !!! Business culture tends to adapt to the growth of organizations, and to keep an "active listening" of everyone involved, this feature needs to be adopted in a bigger scale, scaling out to managers/directors ( from top-bottom)