Power Mongers Versus Power Custodians
Dr. Debashish (Deb) Sengupta
Associate Professor (SL), Course Leader (International Business & Management), University of Portsmouth, London, United Kingdom | Research & Business Advising on Young People at Work | Millennials Gen Z Behaviour |
The more I think about it, the more I get convinced about it... the more I see it happening around, the more I tend to believe it... that Power should be always entrusted with people who do not want it, do not yearn for it; and not to those who want it badly.
Those who want power, who haggle for the same, get almost immediately drunk by it once they are given power or they acquire the same. I call them 'Power Mongers'.They love to dominate, play power games, create & display power symbols, impose opinions, show utter disregard for other's opinions, expect everyone to seek their consent before saying or doing anything, create their 'yes men/women' (sycophants) group, engage in negative politicking.. and whenever someone challenges them for their mistakes or wrong doings, these 'Power Mongers' use their group of sycophants to bully the one who challenged their actions or behaviour. They do not hesitate to mock, public ridicule and hit below the belt whoever stands for just and right.
I encounter 'Power Mongers' in public life, social life and in personal life. I am sure all of you do.
'Power Mongers' are found everywhere - among politicians, bureaucrats, organizational leaders/managers, union leaders, fringe group leaders in society, community associations and even in families. Well, in the age of technology you can even find them in social media, whats app groups and where not...
Using politics, manipulating words and actions, double talk and standards are natural strategies for 'Power Mongers' who are driven by a constant desire to dominate, hog the limelight, grab all the credit (even what others rightfully deserve) and ensure that all advantages are turned to them and disadvantages to others.
On the other hand, those who do not wish or want to have power, when they are given the same, they become guardians of the same. They treat power with a great deal of responsibility and are always self-aware that every time they use power, they could be potentially benefiting or harming others, their interests and creating, strengthening or breaking relationships. They use power with discretion and caution for a defined common purpose and seek to balance the benefits in such a way that it puts no one to disadvantage and every deserving person gets a voice, care and share. They voice their opinions but know to respect others, have the invaluable gift of listening and wisdom. I call them 'Power Custodians'.
Unfortunately we have far more 'Power Mongers' in this world, the root of most problems; whereas we need more of 'Power Custodians'.
Also read it on my blog - https://peopleengagement.blogspot.in/2017/07/power-mongers-versus-power-custodians.html